The subject of soul mates is a popular one and many people have had their say about them. Plato believed that all people were born with four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but the powerful Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, therefore making them spend their lives searching for their other half to complete themselves.
When I was on holiday I went to see a tarot reader. She was very insightful and talked about a variety of subjects. She was talking about my love life and different factors around it and began to talk about soul mates. She said she believed that everyone has two soul mates:
1- The one we have a connection with in a spirit way.
2- The one which we settle down with and have kids and a life with etc.
There's always been this notion of 'There is one person for everyone' and I think this will always be around. However, I very much disagree with this.
As I have talked about here before, we meet people throughout our lives who make an impact on us. Maybe these people are fleeting soul mates?What about friends- are they not soul mates? Surely soul mates can't simply be defined as the person you settle down with. That in my eyes is one of the loves of your life, again this could change. We all grow older (unfortunately) and change and have different aspirations. This can affect who we spend our time with. If you're lucky you will meet a person who will have the same aspirations as yourself or at least someone who backs you up and wants you to achieve your dreams without feeling this would make them look inferior.

Personally I believe that we have soul mates, not just in love but also in friendships. Sometimes you meet someone who just 'gets you'. I really don't know how else to put it. The person understands you, questions you, makes you laugh, be more positive and above all else happy. These qualities are qualities of all friends but a soul mate friend just has that extra bit which I can't describe. I suppose it's one of those you will know it when you find it kinda things.
In love, soul mates are people which everyone aspires to find because if you meet your soul mate you will never be alone again. You will be on a journey with someone who is everything a friend soul mate is and more. The idea of that is just wonderful and the people who give up on finding this and 'settle' make me feel sad because they don't know what they're missing. Or maybe they do but don't think they can ever get it or deserve it?
When looking up ideas and thoughts about soul mates I came across this:
I like this idea but I disagree with the thought that you can't live with your soul mate. Yes some may come and go but some will still and that is very special. In the idea of relationships, yes they can be painful but sometimes the pain is what's needed in order to reach a certain place.
I like the thought that a soul mate is a person who compliments you and grounds you in a way that no other can. A soul mate is the person who truly knows you and loves everything about you and this can be found in friendships and love relationships. If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that there are more than one type of soul mate for everyone.
What are your thoughts on soul mates?