Sunday, 20 March 2011

Lazy Sunday Post...

Ahh Sunday...the slow day! It's also comment love day on For The Love of Blogs. My favourite bog hop day!!

First of all, I thought I should say 'Hey' to Miss Faux Fur!!! I let my real life BFF (Yes I know I sound like I'm in the early noughties but I'm just cool like that) into my secret of blogging. She was very excited and I may even allow her to guest blog for me?! You will all be very lucky if I do as she's pretty awesome!

As it's Sunday, its time for a lazy post:

My nails- My treat on Friday to cheer myself up! It took so long but was definitely worth it.

I think they say 'STAY AWAY...come closer' don't you think?

Song- I have rediscovered my love for this band this week:

Another fear- The green iced cake which my friend made. It looks like a spider and I ashamedly couldn't even touch the thing:

Arrrrrgggggghhhhhh SPIDER CAKE!!!

There's my lazy post of pictures and music. After all, how can the epicness of a post about BSB be bettered? It can't!
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Happy Sunday!
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