Sunday, 13 March 2011


Another Sunday is here... this year is just flying by!!! I thought I would let you all get to know me a bit better today! Last week I had random items in my bag etc but today I will share random things about me...

* I can waste hours just browsing the Internet when I should be doing work.

* I love The Notebook and would love a notebook kind of love!

* I sometimes like to just have a night all by myself with my favourite chocolate, drink and a good film. Me anti-social? Nooooo!!! Well, sometime...

* I am obsessed with fashion; shoes, bags, dresses, tops, jeans...yes please!

* I use the sentence, "I'm fine..." far too much when I'm not.

* I'm petite and like being enveloped in a hug. I feel protected and safe (even though I claim I'm fine and ok haha!)!

* I use waaayyy too many ! in my writing. I don't know why, I just do!

*I hate waiting for people who are late but have no concept of time myself.

* I love going on a holiday where I can be so lazy and just lie in the sun all day and feel warm and cosy.

Miami Beach sunrise.... I love that place!

There's a lot more to know but just thought I'd share some random facts since it's Sunday and my brain isn't in gear to do a whole written post! 

Have a great Sunday!

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