Monday, 14 March 2011

An apple a day...

First of all thank you to all my new followers! I have passed the 50 mark!! Glad you enjoy the blog!

I have came home today with A LOT of work to do and it feels like I have even more 'work' on my shoulders. For that reason I will be making this a short but sweet post. Then I am off to do some work and order pizza (yes- I'm in one of those moods! Take away pizza night!).

I want to share an image with you all. It was a gift from one of my kids today. She came up to me and said, "Miss...I know you don't normally get given things like this but I thought it would be nice for you..."

Then she handed me this:

How very Twilight....

I don't know about you but I thought the days of giving teachers an apple had long gone. I was pleasantly surprised at how sweet this was. It made my day.

Hope you all had a good start to the week!
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