Wednesday 9 March 2011


"Don't worry...I'll save you from the wicked witch my dear Princess..."

"No, it's ok, I'll sort it out. I can kill the evil witch by myself..."

Yea, so not exactly catchy is it? But that is how modern day life plays out. I'm studying fairy tales with my class at the moment (yes - my ideas always come from school but I'm there like every day so let me off please :-) )and we have been looking at all the features of fairy tales and the characters in them. Obviously the girls all love the Princess and the boys love the Prince - purely because he gets to fight with a sword. You can visibly see the little girls' eyes light up when they explain how the Prince rescues the Princess. I even found myself thinking rather fondly about watching Sleeping Beauty and seeing Princess Aurora being rescued.

In real life though, there is generally never a damsel in distress, being rescued by a dashing Prince. I know it's incomparable as there are also no fire breathing or talking animals but you get the idea. While I thought about how there are never many damsel in distress moments in real life it also occurred to me that many woman these days wouldn't even let that be an option. These days, woman are a lot more independent and like to do things for themselves. Years ago when fairy tales were written, woman were still pretty much seen as the lesser sex who were only able to cook, clean and have kids. These days things have changed (in most cases).

Maybe these woman who hope for the moment they are 'rescued' from something bad in their life need to let themselves be a little more vulnerable. Maybe instead of thinking, "It's fine. I can do it," they may actually accept help and support. Then maybe that Prince Charming they are after will come to them.

Now before you go thinking that I'm advocating woman returning to relying on men and not doing anything for themselves- I'm not. I'm just saying maybe woman (and men too) should be slightly more willing to let down that mask of 'I'm fine' and sometimes just say, 'Yea, a little rescuing would be good.' It's not going to make you look lesser, it just lessens the burden!

So next time your being chased by a fire breathing dragon and your fairy godmother is nowhere to be seen and your friendly mouse is telling you that things are bad....accept the help from the Prince. You never know, it may turn into a fairytale...or he could be a jerk haha!! You never know- maybe that's why there weren't many fairytale sequels ;)

Did you have a favourite?


Rebecca said...

I'm definitely guilty of that. I don't take a guy up on much help and I know that my ex at least has not been happy about that always. While he loved my independence, he felt extremely "useless" at times, and would have enjoyed feeling a little more needless every once in a while. I understand that though, and it is something I am hoping to work on now with the new boy. . . :)
Nevertheless, my take on fairytales? Love them, love to watch, read, and hear about them. . .but not so much a reality. Sadly.

Rebecca said...

what ticks me off though is that while we all know there are no actual fairytales. . .our expectations of the men we let in our life? Are INSANE. Fairytale like. We ourselves set us up for failure a lot because of that. Sad. Again.

Take All Chances - Missy said...

I so agree!!! I like a bit of independence and feel like it's wrong that I want a somewhat fairytale love :-) I want to be wooed and rescued haha!! As you say, this does set us up for failures!!

El Grande said...

I'm no prince, but I am charming ;)

Also, yur blog post reminded me of this article I read:

No sequels??? Yeah right.

Take All Chances - Missy said...

Charming? Until you steal all my money when you make it big in the fashion industry? There's the sequel haha!

I loved the dating advice from the Princess Cosmo hahaha!!! Brilliant!

El Grande said...

I'm not going to steal ALL your money. I just want to be fairly compensated for coming up with the greatest fashion creation ever. Tell you what, we'll split it 50/50 ;)

Take All Chances - Missy said...

I was being over usual haha! Sounds like a plan to me!'Greatest fashion creation ever..' Love it!

OKinUK said...

These are my favorite princesses:

and these too:

El Grande said...

I take it back... I am going to keep ALL the money, ALL of it.

Take All Chances - Missy said...

Booooooo!!!!I'm losing respect for you...tut tut!

El Grande said...

Sadly you're not the first teacher to have told me that. :(

Take All Chances - Missy said...

You've threatened to withold profit from other teachers at some point? If it weren't for that then of course disappointment would not enter my mind!I think we'll have a truce :-)

El Grande said...

Fine, I'll agree to a truce, but I'll keep my eyes on you.

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