Monday, 31 January 2011

Like a dog chasing its tail...

I have been super busy the past couple of weeks. My post title describes the way I have been feeling. Its been so strange though because at no point have I became angry or anything, I've just felt wound up and frustrated at everything!! I'm normally a very patient person but even that was waning at school last week. Granted the kids were just a bit off the wall for some reason but still.

However, I have spent a day being busy, made time for lunch and accomplished quite a lot. Dare I say that I'm catching that tail? It seems like things could be about to slow down to a slightly more human pace (hopefully!).

Today is also the 1st day of Project: Do Me. I blogged about that the other day. So I am hoping that by achieving my little goals I can become happier and less stressed! Fingers crossed!

If you haven't took part in Project: Do Me, don't worry, you can still join in! Look at my link above for ideas and also head on over to Travel Babbles who is hosting the project!

Here is her fab button for the project too which will brighten up your blog and link others:

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