Wednesday, 16 March 2011

A new fear...

I am the type of person to have lots of silly fears:
- crumpets
- green crisps
- shrimps

They are just a few. However, I unwittingly discovered another today whilst browsing images for my class lesson on fruit felt collage. I absentmindedly typed 'fruit art' into google images and what came up scared me. It made me feel slightly sick and I couldn't really look at it. Here are some of the images I was confronted with (I hate these being on my blog but I feel I need to share the crazy world of 'fruit art'). 


This frightens me...

Both of the above make me feel slightly nauseous and freak me out. However, the one which trumps them is:

Oh the horror!!

I mean... do we really need people made from fruit? Am I the only one who this terrifies?!

What about you? Any weird and unexplainable things which scare you?

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