Monday, 14 February 2011

I. Love. You.

Those are the 3 words to sum up this day. It's a day of red, hearts, roses and grand gestures. If you're single it's a day to have blinders on and a fake smile :-) Whether you're happy being single or not if you're single then it seems like you are doing something illegal just being outside of the house. Have you given/received a card?! No.... :-o tut tut!! As you get older the judgement seems to change to more of a pity.... Have you given/received a card? No.... Aw, I'm sure someone is out there for you. Urgh- both annoy me. 

I find the notion of love an amazing thing and when you find it I can only but assume it is akin to finding the most perfect pair of shoes you have been searching for for ages, then you look after said pair of shoes and they become the most prized possession of your wardrobe for life. You sometimes just look at said shoes with amazement that they belong to you. Obviously in human terms this equates to life long devotion, care and a fuzzy feeling every time you look at the love of your life (I am in way saying that I actually believe love is like a fabulous pair of shoes but surely it can't be far off ;-)- I'm single...give me a break haha)

If you've lost 'love' (as you know I am trying to believe if it ends then it wasn't love) then today is quite possibly one of the worst days of the year. All around there are hearts and romance when all you want to do is be with someone you can't and cry because you can't. As dramatic as that sounds, it's kinda true. I mean, imagine the worst heartbreak and then imagine that heartbreak when you're in a room surrounded by happy hearts and 'perfect' couples... yea it sucks doesn't it?

Now I'm not against Valentines Day and I don't feel as strong a dislike as some other single people do for it but I just wish it was more of a holistic love day. I sat in my school assembly today looking at all the smiling kids as my head teacher talked about the notion of if you love someone then tell them. Words are important and that can be one of the best things for someone to hear, whether they are a friend, a parent or anyone else. It's not just 'romantic' relationships. People have so much love for others but are seen as forward if they profess their love for anyone other than a lover or immediate family. I think love should be for everyone, not just coupled up people.

As a single girl to all you people who read my blog...thank you and I love you for taking the time to read, comment and follow. It makes me feel happy that you appreciate what I have to say and I hope you have all had a Happy Valentines.


I'm going to leave you with two things:

Firstly- My little gifts from two of the kids in my class for Valentines Day. This put a smile on my face to begin the day.

Chocolate hearts and a heart sweet.

Secondly- A great love song with a tinge of sadness and longing...

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