In 4 days I will be on a flight to New York City!! I have been a couple of times before and it is one of my favourite city. There are so many things which I just love about the place.
The people- I haven't encountered many miserable people here. I know they are there, going about their day in the glum/hot weather but all the ones I meet are just lovely. It's a huge city with lots of people but compared to London (where people are just miserable) everyone seems happier.
The buildings- I never get sick of looking up and thinking, "Wow! That's so tall." I'm very childlike as I also have my mouth agape while I peer up the Empire State but it's just so tall!!
Times Square- I have a bit of a love hate relationship with this one. I love the lights, the flashing adverts and the vibe but I don't like the amount of people, the shuffling steps you need to take to get around and the people who just stop in the middle of walking to take a picture. But it makes up for it in all it's lit up glory (plus Hard Rock Cafe is there and I love that place haha!).
Brooklyn Bridge- Magnificent.
Madison Square Garden- This will hold a special place in my heart after this holiday as I will attend my first (of many I hope) NHL game. Oh yeah!
Greenwich Village- I adore the leafiness and outwardly perfection of the place. While I was there last Summer I took a gorgeous photo which sums up how the place feels. I know you think that I don't sound like the type of person to be hung up on photography and you're right- don't get me wrong, I love to take photos but I'm no professional. It's just chance. Plus I was trying to find Carrie's stoop from Sex and the City! Don't judge!(I found it by the way ;-) )
I could go on and on but I think you can safely see how excited I am for a break to this magical city. Any other favourite things in NYC?
I always say that NYC is a funny place as you either love it or hate it. There's no fence in the middle to sit on in New York City!
I'm going to leave you with my perfect Greenwich Village shot!