Wednesday, 5 October 2011

A rut...

“Very often we are our own worst enemy as we foolishly build stumbling blocks on the path that leads to success and happiness.”
 Louis Binstock

You know when you have that feeling, that feeling like you are on top of your feelings, work load, your thoughts and life in general. Then BAM, all of sudden it hits you that you're not. Well that's me. I became such a stronger person over the last couple of months, and I still feel like I am but I am now having to fight so many things to stay this way and that in itself is so difficult.

In a lot of ways the above quote describes me. I manage to make things harder for myself in many ways. Be it the amount of work I take on, my crazy ideas, my allowance of my thoughts to drive me crazy and unwittingly allowing the past to have some effect on the way I behave in the now.

At the moment, I am  trying to get past some kind of flu like illness which is unknown. It's just hanging around and making me feel oh so tired and I think that contributes to my fragile feeling nature at the moment. It's so hard to be a strong person when you feel weak in body. 

How do you keep your head up and keep moving forward when all you want to do is keep still and silent? You just have to, you gotta keep going and sometimes the hardest thing in the world is to do this. Each person has their own weakness and when that kicks in, things are difficult, and you feel all the better when you hit that grounded state of mind again.

It may seem like this post is some kind of pity post but it's just some kind of mental babbling on screen based on my feeling of out of synchness. Who doesn't have one of these moments once in a while? I'm gonna keep going, finding the happiness and work out the rut (and get better).

I was having a browse through pintrest and came across something which made me sigh and I realised that at this moment in time it was all I wanted. Just one of those days when even surrounded by people, you can feel so alone and that feeling of being needed is enough to put a smile on your face.

How do you get out of ruts be them big or small? 
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