I was reading my Elle magazine at the weekend and was inspired by one of the articles. It was honest, thoughtful and inspiring. It made me want to write my own...
Dear Body,
I have insecurities towards you, but who doesn't have that? However, I very rarely look at you and think you're too big or too small or just not right. Occasionally, and I freely admit it, I will judge you far too harshly but you always take it and never laugh or make me feel worse. You just stare back and let me have my moment of doubt. Thank you. As I get older, I spend less time looking at your flaws and I am beginning to appreciate you and what you can do. I hope you appreciate the effort I have been giving lately in feeding you healthy food!! Don't worry, I will still keep the chocolate coming!!
I just want you to know that regardless of some of the negativity I am glad you belong to me, I love what you've given me - the legs, the hidden freckle, the green eyes and of course your boundless energy!!
While I may not always treat you the correct way, I do appreciate and love you and I want to let you that I thankful for you loving me back.
So, there's my letter.Honest, frank and open. What would you say to your body?
It would be nice to have a few of you email a letter to make a special 'Letter to my body' page.... I think it would be an inspiring and honest look into the minds of others. If you would like to contribute drop me a comment or email me your letter and I shall link to your blog too.
takeallchances {at} gmail {dot} com