Normally I am quite organised when packing to go away. I dread being told my luggage is over weight and needing to start taking things out my case in the middle of an airport!! Also, I used to take loads of clothes home which I just wouldn't have worn when away therefore wasting precious weight limit. I then devised my legendary 'clothing itineray' sheets. It's nothing new, in fact it's something which I'd read about a few times but had just never tried. So a couple of years back I gave it a go and took photos of all the outfits I could put together in my wardrobe and then downloaded photos onto my computer and began to match them to the days I would wear them.
Unfortunately that was the time my case was left in Washington DC on it's way to Vegas- that meant I missed my first day which threw everything off slightly. Crazy right? Anyway, I kept to most of it but swapped days around depending on how I felt. It was great, I didn't get to a point where I thought, "I don't have enough tops," or "I have nothing to go with this skirt." It's something which, if I have time, I like to do now before I go away. I travel next week and I am not going away with anyone I know which means I can't borrow anything which I may forget?!
Because of this I have began to sort out my itinerary now so that I have time to fill in any gaps. I've therefore started pulling one of my wardrobes apart with clothes.... it's a mess but at the end I will have a ocd super organised wardrobe for my long travel! Hopefully I can be creative enough to not have to wear the same outfit twice...
Do you have any rituals before holidays in relation to packing?
Tips are greatly appreciated!!