Thursday, 24 March 2011

You look too young...

If only I had a £1 for every time I heard this!! Whenever I say I am a teacher, people look me up and down and reply, "Really? You look far too young..." I am obviously grateful for looking young but sometimes I feel like it lets me down a bit. Whether it be parents who look at me and think I am not able to do my job or people who I meet in business who initially judge me as being young and inexperienced. 

After 4 years of being in the job I am finally finding my professional feet and being able to work through problems confidently. Yes, I have enjoyed teaching and know what to do but I am now starting to feel able to carry the extra responsibilities which I have been given.

Would I age by 10 years though to be taken seriously? No way!!! At the end of the day, I do my job and very soon people realise that I am not young, silly, inexperienced or rubbish at my job. On the plus side I can still get a sneaky student discount every now and again haha!! As soon as people stop thinking I'm 19 and not 25, then I will stop!!
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