Saturday, 19 March 2011

My fever...

After a bit of a bad day yesterday (it sucks finding out news which you people think you wont find out) I had a day away from blogging as it would have been a rather glum post. Any cheering up would be appreciated by the way?! During the week, on of my favourite bloggers, Hockey Wife, posted something about Bieber Fever after taking her little one to see the film and encouraged us to think of our own 'Fever' from childhood. I was inspired to write a post on mine;

1999...12 years old...the beginning of my induction into boy band fever. Having grown up with 4 brothers, I was well versed in the music of Nirvana. I was even able to sing along to many of their tracks. But when it hit 1999, everything changed!

Yes, the millennium was on its way, there was a bug which was going to destroy all computers but it was The Backstreet Boys (and their Millenium album) which changed my life. Now I know they had been around for some time but, as I said, I was Nirvana and rock. I remember, going to my local supermarket and buy their album (my first ever) and never looking back.
What followed was the transformation of my childhood into a teenager. I suddenly had a favourite boyband member, a song which I would imagine was being sung to me and an album which would be on repeat. I began to buy their ‘back catalogue’ and became obsessed in a way in which only teenage girls can about boy bands. I had my favourite- Nick if you must know.

I think he needs to be on my ‘list’...

 Why? Well, his hair was amazing, his voice was outstanding and he was just a typical young American kid. I just adored him. Me and my friend would spend our time practising our autographs signatures with his surname and imagining our life Florida- not both of us obviously. That was another bone of contention- who would get him?! Obviously that would be me of course! A favourite of mine was my video (yep- VHS people!) which was a compilation of all their TV shows they did at that time.
I had pictures from magazines plastering the wall of my computer room. That room will now be forever known as ‘The Shrine’. What I haven’t told you yet is that I have a twin. She was a Westlife fanatic- she loved Shane and plastered her side of the wall in Westlife memorabilia. So you can just imagine the amazingness of that room?! I often dabbled in Westlife but would always come back to the good stuff- The Backstreet Boys.

After a rummage I found my ‘BSB Folder’. Just a few of the delights inside!

My biggest regret is that I didn’t get to see them live back in the day. However, only last year did myself, Miss Twin, Miss GG and Miss Faux Fur relive our youth when we FINALLY got to see them perform. I am not ashamed to say that I regressed in years to a screaming, bouncy 16 year old girl who cheered and sang like there was no tomorrow.

My phone shot of the BSB- not clear but it totally means the world!

That’s my fever and guess what? It’s still here, slightly dormant but every now and again when my iTunes randomly throws up a BSB track I enjoy a good sing along and I am transported back to a time of worrying if I had enough money for the next single which would be released and which poster to remove for my new one. 

What was yours?  

Check out Hockey Wife if you want to see her follow up post: 

Tales of a Hockey Wife
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