Monday, 28 February 2011


Oh no...I had my clinic appointment today and have been told that my sore knee I have had for 3 months may actually be a meniscus tear!! Argh!! I have to go back in...3 weeks...yep that long, to have another check but this time in depth for my knee to fully determine the cause of the pain. I don't like this at all, I haven't even had stitches let alone surgery (which is pretty much what he said I would need). Oh how sorry I feel for myself today! Also, I'm frustrated at how long this is more than likely going to take if it's 2 weeks between appointments. NHS is good until you need something quick. I have to say, I wish I'd known sooner then maybe my love of high heels may have been put on hold until I was fixed. I have also got some muscle wastage in my knee from not dancing or doing yoga and favouring my other leg. Urgh...what a nightmare! Sorry for the 'poor me' post, but I'm just a bit worried and also wish it could just be sorted sooner! I want to dance again!

Bye, bye new favourite heels....

Anyone else had a similar problem? Ideas how to get over it would be greatly appreciated!!
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