I started off the day in a great mood and full of energy slightly more energetic than usual. I even woke up early and before my alarm (score!). However, as the day went on I began to develop my tension headache again, feel light headed and generally just felt a bit rubbish. Nevermind, I was looking forward to the end of the school day. Then I chatted to my head teacher about some funding for a sports visitor (no funding) and an appointment for my poorly knee at a clinic to finally get it assessed (she was more bothered I'd be leaving school early...on a day the kids aren't even in!!).
After that I went back to my classroom and just felt low. How can someone do some much work and help in so many ways and still can't be offered any appreciation whatsoever?! I don't expect a fan fare every time I walk into school - it would be embarrassing and slightly weird- but just a good job with this that or good job with that would not go amiss. Why is it that as soon as people are in positions of 'power' they forget about peoples feelings.
Surely, it's common knowledge that people are happy and more motivated when they are appreciated. There is a no need for grand gesture, just common niceness would be good. I just can't wait to get a break from the place. My holiday can't come soon enough!!
Hope you have all had a better day and if you work with someone similar then I'm sure you're doing a fab job and will be rewarded soon enough!
Here's a song for you all which cheers me up a little and this one has clips from one of my favourite TV Shows ever- The OC!!!
It's by Imogen Heap and called Speeding Cars