Friday, 20 December 2013

What I love about Christmas

It's nearly that time again - Christmas! Most people have a love/hate relationship with this time of the year with the business, family dynamics, decorating, shopping etc etc. Personally, I love this time of the year.

I love my family and I love spending time with them all. Boxing Day is the big family day where all the family come to my parents and we have a big buffet. We all chat and mingle and just have a special day. Christmas day is one of my favourites, I head home and my twin and parents spend a special day together. I love the lazy morning and the quiet nap time in the afternoon and just that cosy day. 

Work families and home families come together.

Lights and sparkle
The only time of the year where the more twinkle and sparkle the better! When decorating my home I stood back and thought, hmm .. have I gone too overboard? But then told myself off because there is no such thing at Christmas. I love the dark nights and twinkling lights in town and the special decorations in the shopping malls. 

Good cheer
Christmas is the time of good cheer and even the most hardened 'bah humbug' people melt a little with the Christmas songs and the bad taste jumpers and the mistletoe!


I will not lie, I love presents. Both buying and receiving. I can't wait to see the faces as people open the pristine wrapped gifts I have bought. I like the excitement of the surprises in my Christmas bags. This year, there was nothing I needed so all gifts are a surprise. This is something which I still get excited for when trying to sleep Christmas Eve.

Ahh Michael Scott - The great crusader of Christmas presents!

I hope you are all feeling festive and are looking forward to some Christmas cheer!

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