
Monday, 19 September 2011

Quote of the day Monday...

I have been asking myself, and inadvertently others, a lot of questions the past couple of months. Some questions I had not wanted to ask due to worrying about the answer and others just because the question in itself seemed so difficult.  What if I ask the wrong one? What if the answer throws me off balance? What if the person does not like the questions I am asking of them? What if I don't like the questions I am asking of myself? 

This quote just makes me think that sometimes answers are simple, no matter what the question is and we shouldn't be afraid to ask them of anyone. In fact, I have found these questions have helped me focus my thoughts on the things which I need to and acknowledge things which I should have a long time ago. After all, even the most complicated sounding questions can give us a simple, much needed answer which in turn could influence our life in a good way.


  1. Such a cute quote :)

  2. You go girl! I hate asking the hard are an inspiration :)

  3. Hello! I'm a new follower and would love it if you could follow me back!

  4. Love this one! What a good quote, and by a great writer :) Hope you had a good Monday and your Tuesday is starting out even better!


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