
Thursday, 22 September 2011

Writing for me...

My mind has been all over the place since getting back to work. I have been working so long hours and extremely hard. Due to this I haven't been blogging too much as I find my concentration span (which is not great terrible at the best of times) is just gone. My thoughts are just tumbling around with no connections. 

Last night however, I had this urge to write...not to write. I finished drying my hair (my mind wanders wherever/whatever) and picked up my notebook and before I started to write I had a flick through. In it were a fair few bits of writing that I have never finished. It seems I almost get to the end and fear I'm being too honest forget the punchline and therefore just stopped. This isn't a bad thing though as when reading back through my scribbles, I relived my thoughts and feelings from the past maybe 2 months. It was quite the eye opener and also nice to understand myself. Now I'm back teaching my thoughts are consumed with work and reading my writing made me think of all those feelings I have pushed to one side to help me concentrate.

After reading it, I actually felt a lot calmer as I centred myself again. I took time to accept the emotions and feelings which I was pushing to one side. I realised that even though I don't finish the pieces of writing or blog it, it doesn't make it any less important. I don't need a journal of my actions but I do want a journal of my feelings and my growth as a person. It's nice to re-read once in a while, even if I have a few self pity pieces but who doesn't?!

How does your writing help you? Do you ever read back your writing from the past?

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  1. Some people run or workout, others drink, lol, but you write. And that is awesome. Write it all out, and then relive it all some other time by reading it back. I don't write enough outside of bloggyland. It always seems to be therapeutic, though :)

  2. Ah, I love this post. It reminds me of Stephen King's wonderful book "On Writing" and Anne Lamott's "Bird by Bird." Since I teach college students how to teach writing to young students, it's important that I consider myself a writer too...who actually writes (even if I have paranoia of writing every now and then). Happy seeing beautiful!

  3. ohh man i do.. and sometimes i look back going wow my mind and thoughts have changed so much since then!

  4. I do write, i have a notebook next to my bed and i just scribble notes, poetry, lots of anything. It makes me feel better.

  5. @Lindsey- mmm drinking, another favourite of mine too haha!!! I definitly think people are right about writing being therapeutic.
    @Lydia-I have that paranoia sometimes and think, what if someone reads it?! My blog is fine but the writing for me is my deep feelings which I don't feel like sharing. I am getting better at writing past this. I've never read those books before, maybe I'll have to look into them.
    @Lisa-It's so great for seeing the change (more often than not in a good way) in our feelings.
    @Jodi- I like how you have poetry too. I'm not great with that and just have to stick to writing in a non poem sense lol!!Keep up the writing!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @