Wednesday 6 April 2011

What's on your mind...

It's Wednesday which for me means it's half way (well a little more if I'm counting properly) to the end of my working week. I love school but I'm tired at the moment as it's assessment and end of term paperwork. Plus I've only managed to have a lunch break like 3 times in the past two weeks at school. I don't think that is helping me to be all smiles and butterflies but I do try between the hours of 9 and 3.30!

Today I wanted to join in with something from A Taste of T. It's something which I enjoy reading and since my mind is feeling frazzled and full I thought it would be a perfect post.

Here is what's on my mind:

- When is it bed time?
- Why is a cherry picker called a cherry picker if they look at roofs? (We had one inspecting school and I was as clueless as the kids as I didn't think we had any cherry trees around school)
- My make up must be good as I got told I didn't look tired.
- I wonder if I should think more before I speak instead of coming out with things such as: "You know, I thought it was just one of those sounds which only I can hear in my head and not others." I would explain the context but it wouldn't help make me sound any less insane.
- What happens if when it's dark I stand on a spider with bare feet?
- Taxonomy makes me think of taxidermy (It didn't anyone else.)
- What should I have for tea?
- I would like to buy some new shoes...wedges to be exact.
- Why do I keep listening to the same song in the car?
- And singing along every time.
- Why did I wear my cute crimson wool tights to school when the temperature was so hot?
- Why is it dull when I choose my outfit for work? 
- I would like to have a Barcardi Razz and lemonade.... mmmm.
- I don't get how bubbles work. 
- Hmm...

A little jumbled and lots of questions. Any jumbled thoughts from you today?


Unknown said...

How do bubbles work?

Now you've got me thinkin...

American in Bath said...

The tights are cute. You wanted something to wake you up? And you had no idea exactly how hot it was going to get here today! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I'll be back here soon.

Patty said...

Started to leave a comment before I left my office and never did; work gets in the way of more important things, lol

Does everyone turn down the car radio when backing-up or is it just me?

How many times do people hit light switches at home when there is a power outage?

Thanks to your comment about stepping on a spider, I'll continue wearing socks throughout the hot summer months.


Take All Chances - Missy said...

@A- It's a puzzler!

@American in Bath- I know- I didn't watch the weather so I was caught out. It's nearly getting to weather where little coats are fine all day round..woo!

@Patty-Hahaha, I turen the radio down when I'm in a tight spot. That's when you know it's hard, the radio goes off! The spider thing is yuck! I have one room in the house that I alwys turn the light on and have a sweep of for fear of a spider! Sorry!

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