Monday 24 September 2012

Quote of the day Monday...Getting what you want

I am the type of person who, once they've set their mind on something, will work hard to get it. It may not always be in the quietest of ways, maybe it wont be without tears and maybe it isn't with knowing 100% I am pursuing the right thing but I go for it. I like to feel like I've achieved something.

When I get what I want (meant in the least annoying Princess way), I feel proud and feel like I've achieved a huge thing. Sometimes it's the little things which take the hardest of efforts. Many people I know set goals to help them get to where they want but me... I go all out. I don't do it little buy little, I like to do huge things and worry about the finer details later. This has led me to trouble on more than one occasion but I get there eventually.

However, what do you, when the one thing you want you can't get? Be it relationship based, job based or even small daily things such as transport etc. I know I feel miserable and think 'What have I done wrong?" or "What could I have done different?" I blame myself and for some time may always look back and think "What if..." The thing though, is that we can't base our lives on 'What if's'

We do it because sometimes the idea that we have made a wrong choice somewhere along the line is easier to accept then it is just not meant to be. When something isn't meant to be, it means we lose control. Does anyone like to feel they have no control? I certainly don't. It takes a strong individual to make me give up control because I feel like then I rely on myself. I don't trust others enough to rely on them.

But in the end, there are somethings in life which are just not meant to happen or be. I think if we can accept that, we can find happiness much easier. I need to realise that not getting what I want is not the worst thing that could happen to me. It is in fact sometimes the best. I found a quote which I want to share with you all, especially those who are like me and hate the idea of not getting what you want.


Something Infinitely Interesting said...

ohh that is soo very true!

Take All Chances - Missy said...

Found it just when I needed it :-) x

Rebecca said...

I love this...but I am too stubborn to see the good in it when I need to! X

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