
Monday, 9 January 2012

Quote of the Day...

New year and the the quotes are back. It's one of my favourite posts as I am a huge quote fan. I always find there is a quote to help me find hope, strength or encouragement for what I am experiencing in my life at that time. As it's a new year, I know many people have evaluated their life and also friendships. Friendships are the hardest as there are many emotions linked to relationships. I myself need to make a couple changes in my friendship circle. I feel there are people who, after communication, make me feel rather undervalued and useless. These people may not know the the effect they have on me but the truth is they affect me negatively. Surely those people would not be in my life? If someone causes me to look at myself and criticise myself and have that self criticism make me feel so badly about myself, surely they don't deserve my time or tears?

My quote today is about letting that go. When growing up we are always encouraged to treat others as we would like to be treated and take care of friends. What if they don't reciprocate? Let them go. I have been rediscovering my love of Rilo Kiley and stumbled across their song Paint's Peeling. The specific line I have chosen rings true for me and I hope it makes some of you stronger in regards to 'toxic friendships'.

Start the new year as you mean to go on and remember to take care of your own heart.

If you would like to listen to the whole track, check it out below:


  1. such a true statement. if people aren't going to care, then it is time to move on. visiting from mingle monday!

  2. Sweet quote. I've wanted to check out more by Rilo Kiley for awhile now, but haven't gotten around to it. I should do that.

    Cherie Jamison @ Refractions


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