
Saturday, 8 February 2014

Facebook and its dark side!

I hold my hands up and admit, I am quite the social media junkie. I've the usual list of suspects bookmarked and in app version on my phone and IPad. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Whats App, Viber etc. I use some for a real need and others tend to be more fun and a time waster.

But at the end of last year I began to fall out of love with Facebook. I have been on Facebook for many years and used it to message friends (especially those who live in other countries), share photos and keep up to date with the goings on as well as the usual Facebook stalking (information finding) - I am sure everyone does this!

Yes and yes... [Source]

I liked it, I liked the contact and would check it once in a while. Then when phones improved and IPads were here, it was accessible everywhere I went. Initially I liked this, the contact was great. This was especially useful during my time in Australia for keeping in contact with home. Then it slowly began to creep in to more of my time.

I forgot to refresh my news feed...oh no! [Source]

Facebook Messenger was than a stand alone app which I had. To be honest, this is where it began to go downhill. I was frustrated with the double notifications when getting messages. I disliked the ability to see who was online and when messages were being read. I'm all for finding out information but it just seemed very intrusive. 

I was mainly using Messenger to keep in contact with a good friend over in Canada and when he got Viber, we used it less. So the initial culling came with Messenger. Over time, I began to get bored with Facebook. It happened slowly but once I noticed it, I began to notice it time and again. The turning point was when I was off work unwell. I was using it as a time waster, checking my phone all the time. I was refreshing my news feed and not even looking at it. 

I also began to get annoyed with the negativity of people's status' and the opposite, the complete unnecessary posts e.g. "Enjoying a romantic meal - at my cosy home" Umm, enjoy it then and stay away from Facebook.

Just don't... [Source]

So as this began to build I realised I was not using it for any great reason and that I didn't really need to have it to be connected. Before New Year, I deactivated my account. I debated it and wondered if I even needed to deactivate. Couldn't I not just log out? But I didn't trust myself, honestly, and I am sure many will agree, the whole thing is addictive. So I went with the decision to deactivate. I didn't think I was strong enough to just 'not log in'. With the deactivation came the deletion of apps. 

The first week was tricky, I found myself picking up my phone to check it when I was bored or had time on my hands. I saw my friend logged in and was like... Oh my goodness! I have not seen the news feed in what feels like so long! I also had a couple of friends and family asking what had happened and was I ok as I was off Facebook. Crazy isn't it? The deactivation of a social media tool is enough to make people think there was something wrong with me. Like seriously wrong.

We can all sort friends into this list [Source]

To quote a favourite blogger of mine - Sarah at Venus Trapped - "Nothing good comes from Facebook." This I agree with, it can be fun but nothing good comes from it. Since my deactivation, I have had a number of people say, "Don't come back," or "I wish I could stay off it." I have to say, I don't really miss it right now, I have other things to focus on and I don't need it. I can't say I will be away forever but for this moment in time, when it's important to focus on myself, I am happy to be away from the dark side of Facebook!

Have you ever had a Facebook break? What do you think of Facebook?

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