
Thursday, 30 January 2014

Stay Positive!

This week has taken a bit of a downwards turn. I can't say I'm feeling my best. I've felt worse but I've also felt better. The darkness had begun to wash over me again and I am finding the days hard to get through. When these days hit I try  to just ride them out but it's oh so hard when the last person you want to be is yourself. But, still I go on. Hoping that I wake up tomorrow feeling some kinda positive again.


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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

When being real isn't real enough - Aerie takes a stand!

One of my favourite news articles of the past week or so, has been that of Aerie for American Eagle. Aerie is my absolute favourite underwear make. I have shopped there for some time and would much rather spend my time shopping there than in Victoria's Secret (GASP!). The fit and the styles suit me perfectly. I have so many sets filling up my drawers!

This being said, I was so happy to see their latest campaign using 'real' woman. The fashion industry is so famously click happy with photo shopping - remember the missing arms?- that everything we see (even in adverts) should be questioned. Just recently Lena Dunham was photo shopped in a magazine while Adam Driver was left exactly the same. Now today is not to get into the realms of male and female but the use of photo shopping and how can we be 'real'.

More times than not, we females hear men say they prefer us without make-up. Personally, I find this hard to believe. Yes, maybe the men who know us think that but if you were to walk out and about, most men would be attracted to those woman who had 'enhanced' their own features. Maybe I am wrong but I think we, as woman, have almost be programmed into thinking this would be the case due to the masses of photo shopping. It really is the impossible trying to achieve the same look. 


So how do we know what is real? Models in magazines are real but they are photo shopped until their realness has been replaced. I know that when I wear make up, I look very different, it has taken me until now, the age of 28, to feel comfortable going out without make up. Why? Because that isn't how I am meant to look/have to look - or at least that's what TV and magazines make me feel. But, as I have grown older, I am caring more about just my own feelings and views. 

Aerie have chosen to use models who have not been airbrushed at all in their new underwear campaign. This is so refreshing to see. Stomachs don't have airbrushed contours, freckles are left in, tattoos can be seen and body shapes are perfect on their own. I applaud them for being so forward and for making this step, in a world of fashion so dedicated to perfection beyond reach, it is so nice to see a brand standing out and using 'real' woman. 


What do you think of the 'Aerie Real' campaign? Do you think the fashion industry is too photo shop happy?

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Sunday, 26 January 2014

Eat Good! Feel Good! Link up - It's already Week 4...

I am going to start by saying that I did not have the best 'healthy eating' week. It's been a a bit of a topsy turvy week so to say. Not the easiest and I think that didn't help me at all. So let's get to it, here's how my week went.

My Week

* I finished my 'weaning off' phase of one set of meds and began a new set. The weaning of phase had me losing my appetite which did not help me want to eat anything, let alone eat healthy. 

* I have ate my salads for lunch and kept up with the fruit which is one good thing.
* I also got back to proper Pole workout this week and did two, hour workouts. This made me feel bruised but great. 
* I have had no problems sticking to my green tea and chamomile tea drinking throughout the week. This kept my blood sugar levels more calm thanks to not drinking fizzy drinks. To be honest, I rarely even crave a can of Pepsi these days. 
* I still have chocolate everyday, this is something I am not trying to change.
* Thursday night I was rather naughty and stopped by McDonalds after workout session - terrible, I know! But it was so good!
* Then Saturday, I had a rather nice afternoon drinking session of cocktails! It has been a while since I have drank so much alcohol and of course fizzy drinks. I then ended the evening with a Domino pizza order with my BFF. So Saturday was totally a cheat day. I had fun and enjoyed myself so I really don't feel bad at all. 

My week in pictures.

Grab a button and link up below - share your healthy week or fitness posts from the week! I look forward to reading them all!

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Take All Chances

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Oh how Pinteresting...

Some of my favourite pins of late: 

Damn right they're not... my new motto!

Something I am keeping in mind!

Don't be so hard on yourself, we all have meltdowns.

Oh, so many times a day!

Possibly the best advice ever?

Hope you're all having a good week! Come find me on Pinterest to share more pins!

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Monday, 20 January 2014

"I feel continually shhh'ed. Too sensitive. Too mushy" - Being vulnerable.

What can I say? I am emotional and sensitive right now. I am finding myself starting sentences with, "I feel like..." or "I'm not happy today."  I have begun to censor my feelings though, I feel guilty for being so negative. Responses I get are, "Just keep positive." Well, if you've ever suffered from depression, you will know this is one of the hardest things to hear. 

I don't choose to be negative. I want to be happy but there is something in my mind that just says you can't be. I spent a whole year pretending to be happy and that was just as exhausting and hard. When I try and be honest, I see the look in people's eyes and I can tell they are uncomfortable and don't know what to say, hence the positive line.

Since returning to work, I have felt isolated and I can see that people just don't want to speak to me. Most people don't know why I was off for 10 weeks but hey know I was unwell. Most people just say hi and then those staff who I were close to, just haven't barely spoken to me. It's like they expect me to just crumble and cry. Maybe the fact that in my part of the school I am the only female affects things. It feels like any emotion or feelings talk can not be handled do I am just left alone.

So wise Zooey [Pinterest]
Why, as woman are we expected to always cry or get upset? Sometimes I just want someone to listen to me and tell me it's gonna be ok and we'll get through things together. Instead it is, "You'll be fine. Just be happy."  No - I don't accept that! Talk and discuss and allow me to share my feelings instead of pushing them down. 

It's a difficult way to be, drowning in your own feelings yet having to keep them all in. Today I was told I looked brighter and better than last week. Yet no one asked me if I was ok last week and I clearly looked like crap. Thanks to some good make-up I have clearly managed to put a mask up, like I did all last year, and conform to the keep quiet and only share happy, happy thoughts.

Do you ever feel like unless you're happy, that you are expected to just 'shut up and put up'?

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Sunday, 19 January 2014

Eat Good! Feel Good! How have you been doing? / Link - Up

Another week has passed and I am happy to say that I am still on the healthy eating train... maybe had a couple of stop offs this week but in general it's going alright. Salad prep was a saviour, once again and I have tried to keep the eating healthy of an evening.

My Week

* I continued to eat porridge for breakfast which I think has kept my sugar level more stable and I haven't felt the need to have chocolate during morning breaks.

* Caffeine be gone! Yep, I have been doing pretty well on the no caffeine route. Cutting out tea, all sugary drinks has been a lot easier than I thought.

* Salad for lunch is also filling me up, I am less likely to have a mid afternoon slump now. This is great as some afternoons with the kids I would fell like I was going to fall asleep.

* Lack of snacking has been ok - this is where I have fallen down this week. Monday I had a bad day and craved chocolate as soon as I walked through my front door. As I became a bit more stable again this lessened as the week went on.

* I didn't have to big a tea both Wednesday and Thursday due to lack of appetite but instead of having snacks I had a chicken sandwich both evenings on granary bread. So not too bad.

* I still had my cheat of Pizza and daily chocolate fixes (some days more chocolate than needed).

* I don't have any scales in my home, so I can't be certain but I do feel as though I have maybe dropped a couple pounds. I think this is more to do with less starchy foods and stabilising of my sugar levels.

So that sums up my week. As you know, I am not one for doing things by half. At the same time as working on my healthy eating I am between tablets. So I am currently coming off 4 days alternate does (reduced to 50mg) and on second day of no tablets, I have another two days then I begin my new ones. So far things are ok but I am preparing myself to become worse when starting new ones. Normally my appetite drops and I've noticed this slowly the past week but I will take that as it comes.

Images from : Pinterest

How has your healthy week gone? What are you proud of?
Link up below you posts from today, or during the week to share your healthy steps! Grab my button and spread the word.

Take All Chances

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Linking up : 

Venus Trapped in Mars

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What if I am just too broken?

Am I broken? This is something I've thought about for some time now. The amount of times I've exclaimed, "What's wrong with me? Why am I like this?" over the past year is too many to count now. I feel like I am so out of sync it's unreal.

Some days I feel fine and don't mind being 'me'. However, more often than not, I just feel unhappy with myself and that I have lost the person I was. My therapist keeps reminding me that I won't be the same person I once was because after what I am going through I will learn new things and change. No one can go through such a time without changing.

This I understand. But the problem is that I don't know if I will ever feel 'me' again, whether a changed me I don't mind, just me. Feeling like you don't belong in your own skin is a strange feeling. I look in the mirror and don't like the person that looks back or sometimes I even feel sorry for it. I see unhappiness and confusion. People around me are telling me I am looking brighter, but that's easily faked, that's how I got to the low point I did. 

I keep thinking, 'What if I'm so broken, no one will have me?' I am not saying I want to settle down with the 2.4 kids right now at this moment. But it's in my future and at the moment, I have nothing to offer. I don't sleep well, I crash out when I return home from work and like to be in silence, I freak out at the idea of socialising and can't bear to have conversations sometimes. Not to mention the taking of anti-depressants and my 'off' days. Who wants that? No one.

I am trying, trying so desperately to 'fix' myself and I can't. I don't like living my life some days. Inside my mind is just darkness and cloudy. I can't see the future and I can't see true happiness. Not only that, I look tired and bloated and basically, a bit of a mess most days. Where do I go from here? If no one wants me, what can I do? I am happy enough alone at the moment but I starting to feel like I am missing something. 

This all seems rather self indulgent, that I am aware of and I am afraid that's where I am at right now. I don't want someone to come and 'fix' me, I want a constant in my life in someone who will stand by me and support. But I just don't think there is anyone to do that and deal with me now.


Maybe this is just a rut and I am hoping my mood will life once I become more stable on my medication once again. Perhaps I won't reach that place. At the moment it is just too difficult to see.

All images from : Pinterest

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Monday, 13 January 2014

How to get Radiant Skin - ESPA Tri-Active Set

One of my biggest concerns has always been my skin. It had never been particularly bad but it has been something which has always affected my confidence. I tried everything and anything to get clear and perfect skin. Not until about 4 years back did I stumble upon ESPA when I began visiting a spa in my city. They use ESPA. Initially I was drawn to their body products and oil but I then road tested the skincare. If I could afford it, I would have the entire range!!

After the Winter and my illnesses my skin took a beating. It was dull and lifeless. I often looked in the mirror when I was at my worst and didn't recognise myself. For Christmas I was over the moon to open a Skin Radiance set. I have used one previous and it is as good as I remembered. The fact that the products are all natural is an even bigger bonus.

As the box states : Tri-Active extracts, some of nature's most potent illuminators distilled for optimal effectiveness in this collection, act together to even skin tone and restore inner vitality.

In the set you get : Refining skin polish, Replenishing face oil, Skin radiance mask and Skin radiance moisturiser. 

The skin polish is the best facial scrub I have ever used. It is so fine and leaves your face so soft and smooth after. It's worth it just for this!

After using the skin polish, you apply the mask. The mask is almost like a serum in its consistency. It is not a clay based mask and you can barely feel it on your skin but it works hard. The mask creates an almost lifting effect and leaves your skin glowing.

Then you follow up by using the oil before bed. It is nice to rub into hands and inhale before pressing into skin. The smell is just divine and so natural. Even if you have blemish prone skin (like mine), do not feel you should stay clear of face oil! This will not make it oily, in fact it will balance your skin out. 

If that's not enough, you also get a skin radiance moisturiser. This is used every morning to help 'rejuvinate, revitalise and renew dull and tired skin'. Let me tell you - it works! 

Skin Radiance Mask and Skin Radiance Moisturiser.

The set should last about 2-3 months which gives your skin intensive help. I have been using it for two weeks now and already my skin is brighter, smoother and radiant. The products are so light too so your skin doesn't feel clogged up. I even went out without make-up today and unlike other times, I felt comfortable doing so. Going without make up is something I never, ever felt comfortable doing but ESPA has changed that for me.

If your skin needs a different kind of boost, check out the ESPA website as there are a number of different Tri-Active skin kits for different skin types. A good friend of mine has become just as obsessed with ESPA after I took her on a spa date to my spa. She said that she has never had so many compliments about her skin.

So, if you feel like your skin needs a skin pick me up then click over to ESPA and have a browse, believe me, you will love it.

*All views are my own. 

Do you have a favourite skin 'pick me up'?

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Sunday, 12 January 2014

Eat Good! Feel Good! -- Link up...

It has been a week since I introduced my healthy eating to post to you all and now it is time to update you all on my progress.

I am amazed at how well I have managed to follow my meal planner. Maybe it's my OCD of liking a plan and organisation or just because I have already seen the benefits. 

I have found this to be one of the best switches I have made in my 'Be Healthy' quest. I was the type who'd have a a high sugar cereal and then sugar sprinkled on top of said cereal. Switching to porridge has made me feel less bloated and I notice that my energy level seems constant until lunch time. Why is this good? No mid morning chocolate snack is needed.  I've also began to feel much less bloated after breakfast which is even better.

This was a tricky one for me. Due to my energy levels being so low, I have found myself some days grabbing 2 or 3 bags of crisps for lunch so I don't have to make anything (naughty - I know!). I carried out a food prep Sunday night of vegetables and placed them in zip lock bags for the week. Then each evening while waiting for the kettle to boil, I chucked a bit of everything into a plastic container and voila - lunch was done. Quick and easy. Then for my lunches, having salad with vegetables and meat filled me up and once again I did not suffer an afternoon dip in energy. I paired it with an apple and a couple little caramel squares because I'm not THAT good.

Sunday meal prep...

The dinner was the hardest for me. As this week was the first week back in my phased return doing 3 full days I was, as you can imagine, physically and mentally exhausted by the time I reached home. This is when things can go wrong, I get in and fill up on chocolate and crisps while my tea is in the oven but because the salad was so filling I didn't find the need to do that. But the utter exhaustion was still a factor, I managed to get my fix of vegetables and something healthy but I definitely did not do as well as I would have liked with dinners. That will be something I work on next week.

Healthy Eating Week 1

This week also saw me get back to my pole dancing after a couple months of due to a shoulder injury. It coped well but has been a bit iffy since so I think I will have to relent and visit a physio to check it out. I loved my session and would hate to have to give it up again. The exercise made me feel like I had achieved something and that was a feeling I had been missing for some time.

Pole Fun!

How has your healthy week gone? I would love you to link up and healthy posts from the week and we can support each other in our journey to 'Eat Good! Feel Good'.

Take All Chances

Also linking up with:
Fit + Fab

 photo mondaymeals_zpscbe2340b.jpg

Thursday, 9 January 2014

What is wrong with people?

I had my first therapy session of the New Year today and it was a difficult one. Lately, my medication has not seemed to be doing much for me and over Christmas I found myself sliding backwards again. This is disappointing to say the least, I felt like I was starting to improve and get back to myself. But no, I have slipped back into the clutches of depression and with going back to work I have felt rather 'off' lately.

 Work has been a difficult adjustment. After being away for so many weeks, I am having to get used to the school routine, the work itself, the morning and the social side of things. I am back 3 full days for the next few weeks and then it will be reviewed. 

One thing I have noticed, and not just exclusively to work, is that people are acting differently towards me. In school, those closest to me (in my year group phase) have been very distant. I have had my phase leader not even have a conversation with me at all since I returned just before Christmas. My teaching assistants have conversations with me when they support in class and that is all. Others around the school say hi and that's all.  I have a couple of close friends there which keep me going but I just can't believe the way people behave. 

I understand it is difficult to react when someone has been away for so long, especially when it is not common knowledge as to why I have been off. But surely a, "How you doing back? Are you settling in?" is not too much to ask. I find it alienating and making a difficult time even more difficult. One said to me, "You know, there's so much gone on while you're been off." Basically it felt like he was saying, you weren't here and you're not part of this. I know there have been words about me behind my back due to what I have seen or for example, the phone call I got yesterday regarding my hours next week. So and so said this to so and so who spoke to the office who spoke to ... blah blah blah. It was not true and I had not said it. Gossip. 

I understand that with my problems I am more concerned about the views of others and I am more sensitive to comments but I don't really know any other way to feel, other than upset, to people not talking to me like they used to. I discussed this with my therapist and asked:

"What is wrong with people?"

Do they think I've just been swanning about, shopping and going for coffee while they all worked hard? Are they worried that I will get upset? Whatever the reasoning, surely a hi, hows it going being back is not hard to do.

It's not just work colleagues. A close person in my life has suddenly drifted away. He actually knows what has been wrong and now I feel like he has just abandoned me. I have dealt with it by just not forcing contact. This time is when I need to be looking after me. I can still help others but if it will be detrimental to me, I need to back away. I am nowhere near being myself. I have feel back into quite a hopeless feeling again with no positivity at all. I have no energy trying to make other people feel better talking to me or forcing friendships. 

At the end of the day, that is their problem. I don't feel like everyone should be my nest friend, but just some respect would be nice. At this moment, being in work makes me miserable. Not a oh I don't like my job, and miserable, anxious, hopeless person.There are changes to be made but until I work on getting myself feeling more hopeful, these are nit changes that I can do.

I just wish those around me would respect and actually realise that their actions or lack of can upset someone and make them feel like they don't belong.

Have you ever been in a position when you just think, "What is wrong with people?" How did you deal?

All images from : Pinterest

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Wednesday, 8 January 2014

5 Life Changes

I have began to make positive changes in my life the past few months. Some have almost been forced upon me and others are things I have chosen to do myself as I know it will be beneficial to me. I thought I would share them with you today. 

1: Eating Habits
This is something I've already documented and will be coming back to throughout the next few months. I am wanting to make sure that I put good food and nutrients into my body to give my body and mind extra help to feel better.

2: Being kind to myself
This is proving difficult. With depression and anxiety, the mind is naturally negative and I find myself being extremely hard on my actions and thoughts. I try to be alot kinder towards myself on the off days and talk more soothingly to myself. My therapist once asked me, "Would you tell someone else who was upset to 'Pull it together and get over it?'" I replied, "No, of course not I would comfort them." Then I realised she had proved 
her point. Why should I be any different from those around me.

3: Therapy
I begun seeing my current therapist last year and this was a big step for me. I had visited one previous in the year and did not have a great experience. However, the second time around I made the choice of therapist myself and I trusted her. I have not had sessions over Christmas due to the break but I am looking forward to going back to see her. She helps to focus my thoughts and challenges the negative ones. It is nice to not feel a burden for talking about my feelings. Hopefully this will help me deal with the issues I am facing and the uphill climb away from depression. 

Not the way I shop...

4: Listening to my body
Part of my anxiety issues is that after my brother was diagnosed, I began to need to control all situations and put a lot of pressure on myself to be right. I didn't like to delegate and I strived for perfection. I strived to the point of self destruction, I couldn't let things go, I couldn't ask or accept help and brushed away the signals that I was becoming ill. That wasn't going to happen and if I ignored it and kept everything how it was meant to be no one would realise. Well, it all crashed down. No more forcing myself up on the mornings to put on a brave face. I am now understanding how important it is to listen to my body. If I'm having an off day, accept it and start a new day. If I can't do something, that's fine - I ask for help. I am honest with people if I feel to tired or just need alone time. Those who know me, will recognise that and not question. They support and by being honest it is helping those around support and understand what I am going through.

5: Saying no
I am a 'yes' person. I always want to help people and look after them and make sure they are ok.In the past this has led to little time being spent looking after myself. I have said yes to things which have been detrimental to myself because I desperately wanted to help or look like I was able to do everything. After my burn out last year, I have realised this does not help me at all. There is no point caring and helping others if I can't look after myself. Being a teacher, I am a natural nurturer which is great but I can't forget to nurture myself.

All images from : Pinterest

Are you looking to make any life changes to get yourself back on track if you've strayed?

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Monday, 6 January 2014

There is no diet that will do what eating healthy does...

First off, ignore the fact I am tucking into some chocolate as I type this - I am allowed some treats, yes? Basically I wanted to say just how awesome the response to my last post has been. My decision to go healthy for the New Year has struck a chord for many. I am not choosing to see this as a resolution of mine (because I have no will power when I think I must do something) but as a lifestyle change.

Comments of luck and stories of similar endeavours have made me smile. This just highlights the brilliance of the blogging community. We all support and help one another. I have also found a lot of support through my instagram where I have been documenting my journey so far. It is lovely to know so many of you out there are taking an interest in your health.

It's not going to be easy, after all, changing a lifestyle to takes time and patience. It won't always be easy but your body will start to love you for it. I am hoping to gain a clearer mind and more energy alongside complimenting the vitamin supplements and meds I am taking.

Check out Sarah over at Venus Trapped for some fellow 'Get Fit' bloggers:
Venus Trapped in Mars
As much as I have done well today, I realise it is only my first day and I still have a mountain to climb. So, for you AND me, here's some inspiration.

All images from : Pinterest

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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

Way back last year, when I was diagnosed with severe anaemia (borderline transfusion level), I changed my eating habits big time. Having had a number of viruses previous (due to the lack of iron affecting my immune system), my appetite had waned somewhat. With the diagnosis I threw myself into researching how to up my iron intake to compliment the high dose of iron tablets I was on from the doctor (800mg daily). This all fell by the way side as I deteriorated with other health issues.

However, it is the New Year and I feel now is as good a time as any to try and get back eating healthy again. I must stress that it is not a diet, I will not be restricting myself food based on calories or anything like that. I will be focusing on healthy food. After researching links with depression and food, I created a meal plan for myself with as many of the ideas I could include. 

My planner that hopefully will keep me on track!

Two big things I will be cutting down on is caffeine and sugar. I cut out caffeine at the start of the year as it affects iron absorption but reintroduced it again as a comfort thing e.g. copious amounts of cups of tea. I have come to realise that my body does not react well to this in energy levels, bloating and it also affects my sleep - which I have enough problems with already! Sugar is another thing, I will still be having a chocolate treat on an evening or a little something after my lunch but I am a sugar fiend. I have it on my cereal daily so I start the day off with sugar pumping around. This, again, is not good for depression or energy levels. Since energy levels are a huge problem for me I am targeting this part of my diet to change too.

I therefore planned out my weekly food menu and created a shopping list to go with it. I have found doing so in the past really focuses me on what to buy rather than randomly putting items into my basket. I used my research to help me plan it. I have decided to try and food prep my lunches to start taking salad to get my vegetable intake - something which I am not a fan of and rarely eat. 

I set off today and spent time wandering the supermarket shopping for my 'healthy list'. In the future I would like to get my vegetables from grocers but for now just being able to get out and do a shop some days is an achievement.

My 'healthy' basket

I have planned in a pizza/treat night as I still want to indulge and as I said before, this is not about weight - it is about a healthy body leading to a healthy mind. I am sure I will lose weight naturally once I start eating healthy but I will see that as a by product. 

To cut out caffeine I have trained myself to drink herbal teas. Now I was never a fan of these but as I persisted I began to enjoy them. I drink a green tea with breakfast (I know this has some caffeine in naturally) then I drink Camomile tea throughout the day. On the evening I will either have a camomile or a hot chocolate. Also, gone are the frosted flakes and in is the porridge and wholewheat breakfasts! As I am still phasing back into work, I am planning scrambled eggs some mornings. 

I am hoping having such a structure will help me (almost CBT style) stay on track and keep up the healthy lifestyle. A friend told me that it takes two weeks to get used to something, so if I can only get through the first two weeks I will feel good. 


Are you starting a healthy eating plan? Share the link in the comments for me to check out!
Head over to Venus Trapped to link up :

Venus Trapped in Mars

Friday, 3 January 2014

Project Life : 2014

So I have seen 2013 out - and I can only say I pretty pleased to see it go. It kicked my ass, big time! A favourite blogger of mine - Celia at Living My High Heeled Life - commented to see 2013 as a 'clearing year' and 'rebuilding'. I love this idea. Throughout the year I had ups and downs and it seems like every time I thought I had hit my up moment I would crash back to the reality of depression. But, as Celia points out, see it as clearing. I made changes and hopefully they will see me right come 2014.

That being said, I stumbled across Project Life by Becky Higgins just before the end of the year. I was instantly attracted to the layouts, colours, documenting and personal creative touch which could be applied. If you want a more in depth explanation, checkout - What is Project Life?

To start with you have the basics:


I bought mine from Hobbycraft in the UK. The States have a wider range but I have enough to start with. I went for a Pink binder - I couldn't resist allowing my inner girl show!I couldn't wait to start putting my intro pages together.

I decided I would try this focus on what I do in life and by documenting it I hope to find my positivity once again. After losing my brother to cancer at the end of 2012, I thought 2013 would be better - nope. I wasn't that lucky and lost sight on my hopes, dreams and the positive things around me. I've had some very dark moments and most people wouldn't even know that I have suffered thanks to my face I can put on (that's the teacher in me). Through Project Life, I hope to have something which firstly, I enjoy and can make time for weekly as 'me time'. After that I hope it gives me a drive for life again. I want to enjoy it and not feel so fragile.

The page separators are all set up and it is just a case of inserting cards which can be glues to, written on, photos added too etc. Basically, you get the cores kit and then what you do is up to you. Obviously I like the prettiness and organisation of it all. I like order.

I started the beginning of my Project Life with a 'Me' page and then a 'Goodbye 2013' page. I am still unsure whether I will go with a weekly spread or monthly. I would like to work on it each week but not feel like I have to - after all, with depression, just motivating myself for little tasks is difficult and can lead me to feel like a failure. And I want to enjoy this experience.

I will share my Project Life as I go along and hopefully as it progresses, I too will start to find my happiness once again.

My starter kit - Core Kit and binder in 'Blush'.

My 'me' page before and after my customisation!

I have already noticed what a large community of 'Project Lifers' there are out there and I can't wait to get looking through blogs and instagrams to follow others. Let me know in my comments if you Project Life so I can stop by and be inspired!

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