
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Is it wrong to spend a day doing nothing?

Today has been one of those days where I planned to do lots of things...but didn't. I had lunch as my breakfast, began to tidy at 3 and by 3.20pm I was laid on the floor watching TV. Yes, I was indeed THAT lazy.

As I lay, I started to feel guilt and panic over the fact that I was doing absolutely nothing. I was wasting my day, but I just didn't want to get up. Then I remembered:


I was relaxed and happy. Why should I always have to rush around and be busy? Why can't I just stop and not do anything without feeling so guilty. I often feel that society today makes you believe you should always be moving and doing something and that if you're not, something is wrong. 

Slowing down is something I have always found difficult. I am known for always being busy and moving about. But today I decided to listen to my body and not my mind. I rested and enjoyed my afternoon. I had a marathon viewing session of The Office: An American Workplace. Later in the evening I felt like doing some cleaning so I had a late, but enjoyable cleaning session. So it all worked out well in the end and I was happy.

Do you ever feel guilty when you aren't busy? How do you cope with that?

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