
Monday, 19 August 2013

Blog Besties - Cyber Love

Today I have had a last minute switch up of posts due to the amazing blog post from Rebecca over at Forever after Undecided : Cyber Love for Grown-Ups

Forever After Undecided

We have been blog besties for years now and I received a message telling me to check out her blog today (not that I wouldn't of course). I have to admit that I actually teared up reading it. I nodded along with every word and sentiment and ever teared up! Between us we have definitely been through a lot of difficult times and she has been there to help me. Even more so than some of my friends who are where I live. I know I can trust her to understand my 'down days' and help me see the positive in times when I can't see it myself.

Head on over to her blog and show my blog bestie some love today! Perhaps you could share stories of your own blog friendships?

Thank you for the kind words Miss Rebecca!
  Today I am linking up with Leeann. Head on over and join in the hop with your own gossip!

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