
Friday, 30 August 2013

What I like... gif style!

Here are a few of my favourite things... gif style!!

Chocolate - I have lost count of the number of times I have tried to lessen my intake but I always fail miserably. I crave the stuff. 

I do, I do... [Source]

Blogging - I love blogging. I get to share my thoughts and feelings with all you fabulous bloggers. I also love being able to read all your comments and reply. I have made some good friends blogging, it's a supportive community.

I love a good blog event ... [Source]

Trashy TV - I love nothing better than getting wrapped up on the sofa and watching trashy TV shows. Many people will judge TV viewing habits but I just don't care. I love some trashy TV and that's that. Breaking Amish and Honey Boo Boo anyone?

Don't we all Honey Boo Boo? [Source]

Finding things out
- I have quite a thirst for information and knowledge. I like to know things. If I watch a movie, the first thing I do is go onto IMDB and read up on the actors and actresses, the trivia and message boards. If I am told something I will research all there is to know about it. 

When you gotta know, you gotta know! [Source]

Working out - I have toyed with many different types of workouts through the years. My favourites would have to be ballet, pole, boxercise and yoga. As you can see I am more of a class kinda girl. The idea of motivating myself in the gym doesn't really do it for me at all. I love to get the endorphins going and I like the challenge of new moves. 

Oh to workout like Penny... [Source]

I wanna back my azz up this week to a song which is on my favourite album of the moment - Simple Songs by The Shins (Album - Port of Morrow).

What do you like? Are there any other chocolate loving, trash tv watching, blogging, information craving, fitness fanatic out there?

Linking up with :

Venus Trapped in Mars


Thursday, 29 August 2013

The first time I felt the fear ... and needed crash mats for pole class!

I have been pole dancing (for fitness) for a number of years now and I love it. You can read about why I started here and check out one of my moves here. I have never felt scared of any of my moves before, and than incldes hanging from the pole with one knee!

That was until yesterday... duh, duh, duuuhhh. My pole instructor gave me a new move. I have been working on a twisted handspring for many weeks now and whlie I an hold the move if helped into it with a little push - I can't quite get there yet. It is starting to furstrate me and my arms are finding it wearing. So the new move came.

"Missy - I want to work on the Russian Splits with you today," was her introduction. In my head all I could think was - But i can't do the splits? Apparently that is not needed (regardless of the name). So we got to it, my instructor got YouTube going and showed me the Russian Splits. My mouth dropped and my first impression was WTH? How was this possible? How would I not fall off the pole? 

Just to clarify, this is not me (I wish!)

Then the fear gripped me. It was something which I had not encountered with a pole move before. Normally I have a sense of excitement and feel ready to get to grips with the move. This time, fear was mixed in with it. We began the move from the ground which was not all too scary, just taxing on my body. However, the thought of working my way up the pole into this crazy move was playing on my mind.

By the end of the session I had managed to complete the move from the ground a few times but more often than not I found myself tumbling off the pole. Needless to say, my instructor and I had a good laugh with this one. She has not done this move before and was attempting it for the first time. We had a number of yoga mats piled up as crash mats which were most definitly needed. I don't know how long this will take to get or if I will ever get to the point of doing this from higher up the pole. I will keep you all up to date with this one.

Have you ever had a workout challenge?

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

When you don't know what is wrong... what do you do?

I'm going to be honest today with you all and this may take some time so stick with me. This past year I have had health issues, major life stresses and a family bereavemnet. To say my life has been difficult is an understatemnt but I was strong and I made it through.

I am now having to find a different type of strength. As I have discussed previously on my blog, I suffered with a number of viruses, anaemia, sinus issues and to top it all off tonsillitis. It sounds a lot and let me tell you, it really was. I even visited a therapist. It wiped me out and I kept going and going. Looking back now I should have had some time out. My body was practically screaming at me to stop and take stock but I kept pushing.

Through this time I began to suffer major fatigue. Not just feeling tired, it was like walking through thick mud. My memory went, my sleep patterns were just no more. I was lucky to get 2 hours uninterrupted sleep a night (which had been going on from last year). I was having blood tests time and time again which eventually showed my iron levels were improving - they weren't great but the were just under the low end of normal so from where I was this was a massive improvement.

Being a teacher I was thrilled for my summer holidays to have started. This was it, this would be my time to pick myself up and get better but that didn't happen.

And relax! [Source]

Throughout the summer I have had good days, bad days and days which just pass in a blur. Let me explain. The fatigue I suffer from is exhausting, I wake up and I can't get out of bed. I lay and try and try but I just can't move. When I do, I can't do much before having to rest again. I have a fog which hangs around me, I sit transfixed by nothing, unable to motivate myself. I wouldn't say I am sad, I just don't feel happy. It's like things pass me by and I can't join in. Things I need to do just don't get done or they take me days.

Thank you ... [source]

My latest visit to the doctor ended up with me breaking down. We have established that my iron is not low enough to be causing this fatigue and I told her I was just going to get on with it (my usual reaction). Her response surprised me, "I am not happy letting you leave here and me at your age dealing with what you're dealing with to just get on with it. I need to figure out how to help."

Why was I shocked? Because I am used to people just accepting what I say and leaving me be. I know she's a professional but at that point I cried... cried because I felt she cared, cried because I knew at that point she was really going to try and help me.

In past visits she has discussed the possibility of me suffering Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This if you don't know is a debilitating condition which is primarily linked to fatigue. This session, like past she also discussed the possibility of depression. Again, something we have discussed. I reminded her that I didn't have anything to be depressed about particularly. She said after the year or so I have had I need to be less hard on myself and that sometimes it is just a chemical in balance.

We really don't know. So as this posts, I will have been to a second doctor. She has chosen a specific doctor for me to visit for a second opinion to make sure she isn't missing anything and to give us a fresh take on things. For now, I really don't know what to do. The whole situation is somewhat frustrating and something which I want to solve. I am pretty sure she is leaning more towards the depression side of things but it just is not clear.

Now this hasn't been prescribed yet...

So here I am. At the age of 28 - suffering from some issue which can not be pinpointed and it sucks. I spent time last week trying to deal with this and I don't know if can. I am not sure what decisions to make or which road to go down. I find petty problems others have difficult because all I want to shout is 'Who cares?'.... I just want to be better and I don't know how to do it!! Times like this make me feel like a crap friend. But I can truly say that the doctor not taking my 'I'm fine' response seriously was the first time that has happened and secretly... I wish my friends would do that more. See through all the walls I build and just be there for me.


Have you suffered from depression or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Or have you ever been ill and not know what was wrong?

Monday, 26 August 2013

Love Life... words by Pinterest

I have decided to share some love today with you all from my Pinterest.

We only get one life... learn to love it and yourself.

Love Life

Don't fall for promises.

Yes and No... two little words which make a big difference.

Be careful with your words - they can't be taken back.

Value moments.

Don't forget about you .... yes - YOU!

Think about your life. Be kind to others. Don't say yes when you should say no. Look back and realise the moments which you have and value them.

Love Life

Check out my Pinterest for more quotes.

Friday, 23 August 2013

But you're a girl ... hockey time!

I have always been a fan of sports. Maybe it's because I have an extraordinary amount of energy on most occasions and this lets me burn it off or maybe it's because underneath all my pretty girly clothes, I am a bit of a tom boy. Either way, I like being a sports fan. I love the feeling of being part of a team (even if it's not me playing).

However, being a sports fan - in particular a female sports fan - can bring about it's own problems. I have encountered a number of men who seem to scoff at the fact that I am into 'their' sports. I always want to remind them not to judge a book by its cover!

My favourite sport is hockey (which I have blogged about before here, here , here and here) and this is something which I got into a bit later on in life. I had always enjoyed tennis and enjoyed the odd football game here and then. This was until a friend took me to a hockey game. In the UK hockey is not a prominent sport (to the point where my area no longer has a hockey team), I don't know why because it is quite frankly AWESOME!

My first game I was amazed at the speed, the sounds, the fights, the crowd and just the atmosphere and I knew this was going to be a love affair for some time. I went to the last few games of that season and then began with the new season. I attended pretty much every game. I was judged by the way I dressed but I didn't care. So what if I wanted to wear skinny jeans, knee boots and pretty coats - that's me. I would wear my jersey with pride and I brushed off the comments that I was only there for the men. I am me and I will always be me reagrdless of where I am and the situations I am in.

My standard Saturday night hockey outfit.

I remember one of the guys I went with (who we met as he sat next to my little group of 3) said to me, " I didn't think you'd last long here when I saw you come to your first game dressed like that but now you know more than me!" To say I proved him and others wrong was an understatement. I met a guy in NYC once who said to me after I talked hockey with him- and held my own - "Wow! You really DO know your hockey? Where I come from most female hockey fans look like line backers." Umm thanks?

So I saw out that season and in that time I even dated one of the team. Not by hanging around waiting for him after games, it just kinda happened. He made eye contact a few times on ice and around the rink. We passed each other once and he stopped me to have a conversation and it kinda led to a thing. Does that change your view of me? It shouldn't, I still cheered every game and continued to do so the following season when he didn't play there anymore. Sometimes those things just happen. 

I have even made it to a game at Madison Square Garden to my favourite team the Rangers take on the Flyers. Unfortunately the score line was not a happy one that day but I loved seeing an NHL game in action. But I have to say, I did love the dingy little rink my team at home played in. 

Let's go Rangers, let's go!

I sometimes feel men feel like they have some claim over sports but guess what men... it may be a man's world but it's certainly nothing without a woman! So appreciate us for the fans we are. 

My jam for today is one which takes me back to my hockey days. It was the team intro music and always got everyone up on their feet: 

Have you ever been judged for liking a sport?

Today I am linking up with another strong, female sports fan: Sarah at Venus Trapped. Today she is talking about jobs she'd be great at in football!  We'd love to see you linked up too!

Venus Trapped in Mars

I've also linked up with :

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Crashing down to reality.

Lately I have been feeling a lot better in myself which is great. Maybe it is something to do with my summer holidays - teacher perks - or maybe things are just getting better.

At least that is what I thought. I have found my sleeping patterns starting to dwindle again, my insomnia is coming back bad. I can be super tired but unable to sleep and calm my mind. I have tried all sorts, baths before bed, soothing candles, busy days but nothing is working. I have found my breathing difficult too, I have a tightness in my chest which just makes me struggle. I find this frustrating.

I have been working hard on my fitness routine lately and upped my pole routines to 2 hours a week as well as peppering in short home workouts. I have had some awesome sessions and I am really starting to feel the benefit. I have not tried another exercise (and I have done many) which tones my body in the way which pole does. But today I have had a bad session when just things weren't going my way. I can't get my new move, I am aching from the session but not in a good way.

This whole feeling is starting to remind me of my lower iron days. I know my levels have not dropped as low as they were but they have dropped again. This is what concerns me, I hope this is not the start of the slippery slope back to where I was. I don't know how I can manage this but I will try. I feel alone with it all, I can't describe the feeling I have with the fatigue and the brain fog. It's difficult.
Short post today from me, and not the most up beat but I'm just having a few of those days.

How I feel about now... trying to keep it together. [Source]

How do you pick yourself up when your feeling down? Any advice would be good!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Organisational skills... or lack of (Money edition)

I have now been in my own apartment for about 6 months. I love it. But what I don't love - the organisation which comes with a home. I am doing it all alone, it's my place and noone else's. I don't share the burden with a friend or a guy, - it's all me.

This brings it's problems though. I like to think I am organised but I just can't be organised in my own home. In my job, as a teacher, I strive to be organised and in fact too organised sometimes but in my home I struggle. I have bills and such to think about.

I hate bills - not just in the I have to give people my money sense (because who likes that?) but in the fact I have check paper work and make sure everything is correct. This freaks me out. I feel the pressure is immense and I tend to freeze and push things to the side. This is not my best feature, I know that! I am beginning to recognise my anxiety when it comes to dealing with things like this.

Argghhh.... I have to sort papers!!! [Source]

Not only that, because everything is direct debit these days I kinda just go with the flow. I could not tell you how much I pay out a month. I just know it is not as much as my wages. It is the money left over (which I have an approximate idea) which I think let whittle away. I was finding my lifestyle before having a mortgage was not something I could uphold once I moved in. I am not in any means struggling, however trying to do the same which I was doing before moving in is not something which is viable.

So what are my options? I am wanting to travel again and that costs money - who would have guessed huh? But alas money is what is needed. So I need to get saving and organise - ASAP! My Mam got straight onto the case and bought me a sensible file to keep all my postal correspondence in ( from bills to payslips to medical).

Now that I have that in place as well as a to do list which I work on to make my jobs easier to manage, I needed to focus on my saving routine. This is when I came across 'the envelope idea'. Through Travel Babble's twitter I found this post:

Treasure Tromp

The method basically states that you live via cash as far as you can. You look at your budget and work out how much you need for utilities etc. I will still be using my direct debit as due to anxiety issues this helps me. I will then get a collection of envelopes and label them with titles e.g. meals out, fitness etc. Whatever things you may spend cash on. I will then have this budgeted for the month and once I have spent my money in the envelope that is it. This will allow me to keep more of an eye on spending rather than using my card for a little here and there.  Any extra left over that month I will then put into a saving's jar.

Obviously I have not started this method but since I get paid tomorrow it seems like the best time to start don't you agree? I may fail or it may be the best thing ever ... all I can do is try! Wish me luck! I will try post again to update you on my progress.

Have you any saving tips? Have you tried the envelope saving idea?

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

What's my age again?

This weekend I have felt extremely inadequate... I upgraded my phone. Why would this make me feel inadequate? Well, I realised that I didn't know that much about phones.

I upgraded my lovely Samsung S2 - which has seen me well through many a situations and travels in two years - to a Samsung S4. As soon a I picked up the S4 I knew I wanted to upgrade to that one. I am a fan of Samsung in general anyway and would choose them over Apple on most occasions. When I choose the phone, the assistant asked if I wanted their service to transfer all my data etc onto my new phone. I decided I couldn't justify paying someone to do that and opted to try it myself. So out I walked with my shiny new phone.

Cut to 3am the next morning and there I was completely and utterly baffled. I had backed up my old phone (I know - something I had neglected to do) and began trying to transfer. I realised I did not have the right cables. So the next day I headed back to my parents and luckily found the right cable.

It all looked good at least...

So off I set again - feeling suitably frustrated and confused again. I set up the phones, set everything to go and it began to 'transfer'.Victory to me, I happily spent my time blogging away. But guess what? It didn't work again. At this point I started to feel like an old lady. This must be how older people feel when they got confused with new technology.

How could I not do this? I am competent with technology and know how things work. But the phone - it just was not working. I then had messages to update drivers. Argghh!! I wanted to cry under the table...and drink... and feel even more useless.

When did I turn 90?! [Source]

This was the point I gave up, and that is not my usual style. I went back to the store and asked them to help me out. I felt so clueless, and I couldn't believe I hadn't been able to do it. The guy in the store was great. I left my phone for a few hours and voila! It was all set, data transferred and good to go! Finally I could play with my pretty new phone.... now to work all the apps.

So fresh and so cool.... check out that clear screen!

Have you had any phone disasters lately? Do you have any tips for the Samsung S4?

Monday, 19 August 2013

Blog Besties - Cyber Love

Today I have had a last minute switch up of posts due to the amazing blog post from Rebecca over at Forever after Undecided : Cyber Love for Grown-Ups

Forever After Undecided

We have been blog besties for years now and I received a message telling me to check out her blog today (not that I wouldn't of course). I have to admit that I actually teared up reading it. I nodded along with every word and sentiment and ever teared up! Between us we have definitely been through a lot of difficult times and she has been there to help me. Even more so than some of my friends who are where I live. I know I can trust her to understand my 'down days' and help me see the positive in times when I can't see it myself.

Head on over to her blog and show my blog bestie some love today! Perhaps you could share stories of your own blog friendships?

Thank you for the kind words Miss Rebecca!
  Today I am linking up with Leeann. Head on over and join in the hop with your own gossip!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sunday songs...

I wanted to share a few of my favourite songs at the moment with you all and of course I will take on board any recommendations from you all too!

Happy Sunday!

I love this song - it makes me feel strong! That's exactly how I've needed to feel lately!

This song just makes me happy.

This is an oldie but I still love the calmness it brings.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Venture into the unknown!

Today I have been super busy on le blog! I have finally took the plunge and booked my first advertisement spot. It was pretty much a no brainer as to which site I would choose. Obviously Kym, over at Travel Babbles, would be my first port of call. I have followed Kym from the beginning of my blog days. Not only do I love her writing style but she is also one strong woman - read her blog and I am sure you will agree! So it seemed fitting that I should head that way or my advert.I also entered my first giveaway - I am not too sure what I did but I think it worked?

Give Kym a visit and check out her blog - Kym at Travel Babbles

Also, I now have buttons (sidebar) to link to my Pinterest, Twitter, Goggle + and Instagram so give them a look. I would love to see some of you guys on there too!

Today I have also linked up with the Weekend Blog Block Party. 

It lets you link up many different social media outlets. Head over and have a mingle!

After such a busy morning I think I will head back to a slightly more tasking task, setting up my new phone. I have never felt more out of touch with technology than I do with this new Galaxy Samsung S4 - Rebecca over at Forever after Undecided can vouch for my total confusion as she bared the brunt of my confusion last night! Thanks blog bestie! Today begins the transfer of contacts and all other information. It is such a pretty phone so I can't wait to get it all set up!

What are you up to this Saturday? 

Friday, 16 August 2013

My Bridget Jones moment...

I am watching Bridget Jones's Diary and it has been so long since I have watched this film. It definitely got me thinking, the last time I watched this I was a lot younger - cut to now being 28 and inching closer to 30.

Am I where I thought I would be? No.

All by myself... [Source]   

Like 'Bridget' I am beginning to look more closely at my life and what I want.

I am happy with my body, I like the way it looks (more often than not) and I am seeing some great changes with my workout routine at the moment. So in that aspect I am happy. I have also made a giant purchase this year - an apartment - and I love it. I love having my own space and something which is all mine. To get onto the housing market these days is difficult and as a single person it is near impossible! But I did it and for that I am proud of myself.

My career is a part of my life which I feel I need to make some changes to. I have talked before about my inability to say no but when school goes back in September I must learn how to. I take on far too much and this has had a negative impact on my health. I must remember that I work to live not live to work.

As far my love life, it has been pushed to the back of everything while I was dealing with my brother's illness and passing. During my health issues I was certainly in no fit state to date, being on the constant verge of tears 24/7 and looking ghostly ill would not have been a good first date. I am sure you can agree with that one. Now I am having to get myself back in the game but at 28 it is harder than you think. It's getting difficult to meet guys in bars now so where else? I think this means I actually have to start doing new things and getting out there in different ways. 

I wouldn't mind hearing this... [Source]

Like Bridget, I want to make changes in my life. Hopefully I won't end up in the romantic predicament of Bridget with a cheating cad! Maybe this is the start of my new year?

Have you had a Bridget Jones moment in your life?

Thursday, 15 August 2013

The time I went to therapy...

As readers of my blog, you will know that the past year and a half have not been the easiest for me. Due to circumstances in my life, I developed extremely high anxiety. I can't say I have always been the easiest going of people but I managed my moments fine. However, moments became more frequent and much more intense. It led to a time where I was in a constant state of high anxiety. At first I didn't identify this, I thought my health issues and sadness from the loss of my brother were what were making me feel 'off'. Anxiety is something which is always there for me, I have moments when it subsides and I have moments when it paralyses me and I can't do anything. It makes me feel like I can't do things and this then leads to stress, it is a vicious cycle.
I began to wonder if I had depression and even my doctor discussed the need for tablets which I said a definite no to. It was at that time when I began to think about the offer of therapy which she had discussed in previous sessions. I was beginning to realise I had an issue and that if I didn't deal with it I would end up in an even worse place to where I was at that moment in time.

You are what you think...

So I waited for my appointment and finally got the date. My first appointment I was nervous, as you can imagine. It takes a lot to admit that you have a problem and need help. Asking for help is not something which I like to do, much to my detriment sometimes. My first impression of my therapist was so so. I wasn't sure what to expect but there was something there which I didn't feel comfortable with.

I left feeling relieved that I had made it to a session and felt like it could be of some help. What I didn't like was the number work, I had to rate how I felt in various situations in the past two weeks. Personally, I didn't feel like it was of any help due to the fact I was also dealing with health issues which affected my lifestyle. I also don't like attributing numbers to my feelings, they're feelings and emotions.

During visits after I began to lose trust and faith in the therapist. As I was going through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, there was a big focus on my thought patterns. This meant that my therapist focused on worries and anxiety issues. But I did not like how I was expected to fill in forms and sheets. I explained I found this difficult and she continued to go over various different forms. She didn't listen to my thoughts and was so incredibly focused on the forms I felt she lost focus on me. I went in to one appointment and explained that I'd had a difficult week, she responded with, "Umm. So, let's have a look at this form.." It was then when I realised the match was not for me. Her focus on papers and numbers just didn't sit well with me.

CBT Chart

I made it through 4 sessions and realised that it wasn't for me. I decided to discharge myself and focus on finding my own therapist. Overall the process of therapy is something which I know will help me deal with my stress and anxiety but I think I need to shop around for the right therapist to help me. After all, part of my anxiety is actually making choices and decisions. I think my stress and anxiety is something which I am going to have to deal with for some time to come but if I can get a handle on it, I feel I will feel much more secure in myself.


Have you been to therapy or dealt with severe anxiety? What helped you?

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Wedding Day Pictures!

I have had the most perfect weekend. I witnessed my twin sister marrying her true soul mate. As a couple, they are amazing. I watched them at the weekend and realised how much of an inspiration they are to me. They fit perfectly and just read each other so easily. 

The day started early, and as chief bridesmaid and twin we shared a room the night before. I would like to say I helped keep the bride calm but in fact I was more stressed than she was. I had barely slept and worried about things being perfect. We had breakfast in bed and just tried to relax. I then spent some time setting up the extra touches to the room in the venue (sweets, photos of family weddings and time capsule). Then it was straight into hair. As the morning passed, with a background playlist including Jack Johnson, we chatted, had a visit from the best man with a special memory book for the Bride and excitement.

As time came to get dressed, the Bride's nerves were setting in and she began shaking. Luckily she had two very competent bridesmaids to get her dressed. The dress was stunning and she just looked beautiful. After the walk down the aisle and the exchanging of vows, the day went in a blur. Everyone had fun and danced the night away. To say it went without a hitch it an understatement! Everything was just absolutely perfect!

Don't you just love the gown and bridesmaid dresses?

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Why pole dance?

Today I have linked up with Pole Freaks blog, my first article has been featured which I want to share with you all too!

When people ask me why I pole dance, I want to answer – Why not? There are so many things I love which keep me pole dancing: enjoyment, challenge, toning and empowerment! I started pole dancing about 4 years ago (with a break in between) and on my first lesson I was unsure, like most people, of what to expect. The first move I was taught was the fireman’s spin. Nervously, I stepped up to the pole, full of excitement for my new workout. On my first spin I was hooked!
I loved my first lesson, regardless of the couple of bruises which developed. This was the main factor which led to me going to the next lesson. I had fun. I loved swinging around the pole and the enjoyed the challenge. From being younger I danced and this was a new challenge. My body ached and I liked that ache. I hadn’t found a workout which I not only enjoyed, but which worked muscles I never knew I had. I even began to make friends in the class.


The challenge is definitely something which keeps me going back to pole dancing. I picked up the first few moves easily; I think this was partly due to the enjoyment of the classes but also my dancing background.  It is the only workout which I feel has ever really challenged me. After developing my ability to spin, I began with inverts and this was where pole dancing became really challenging for me.  I would spend weeks on a new move. I saw people stop dancing when they reached the inverts – but not me. I kept at it; I pushed myself harder than I had ever pushed myself. I knew I would feel proud of myself when I finally managed the move which I spent weeks perfecting.  After all this time, I still get that rush when I perfect a new move.

Through pole dancing, my body has toned brilliantly. My core strength is strong and my arm muscles are toned and defined. It always surprises people how much their body can change taking part in pole dancing.  I for one was amazed at how my arms shaped up and even when I have taken a break from working out, it’s a matter of weeks before my arm muscles develop again. The core strength develops so naturally, there are very few exercise routines which involve holding your own body weight. This helps out with my overall toning and balance.

Yep...I can do that!

My final reason for continuing pole dancing is the way it makes me feel. I always leave the lessons feeling strong and empowered as a woman. I am well aware of the connotations of pole dancing. Especially when men find out what I do for a workout, they think I am some kind of stripper. I am past the point of trying to explain it to them now. I just let them think what they want, knowing I am probably much stronger than them! I feel empowered as a woman at the strength my body has and some of the tricks which I can now do on a pole!

So, if you’re thinking about giving it a go. My only advice is to go for it! It is something which I have been hooked on now for years and love how it makes me feel. Good luck and get spinning!

Check out my: 

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Wedding day!

Today is a special day, my twin sister is getting married! She has been with her fiancé for about 7 years now and has planned the wedding for the past 2 years. I will share some photos next week.

Today is all about celebrating in style! Check out my crafty robes for us while getting ready for the wedding:

What are your favourite things about wedding days?

Friday, 9 August 2013

Sponsered Post: Campus Book Rentals

Today is my first sponsored post, and it is something which I think will help many. It supports those in education and since I teach, education is something which is very important to me.

How does it work?

Being a teacher, I know just how expensive education can be. From the moment kids start school, all the way to University, money goes flying out the window. Today's post is in relation with Campus Book Rentals. They are a company which supports students through college by helping them with textbook renting. There are many perks of the company such as:

-Saving 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-Free shipping both ways
-Being allowed to highlight in the textbooks
-Flexible renting periods
-Donations to Operation Smile with each textbook rented

Their service RentBack is a brand new service which is now available to students. It is where students are able to rent their textbooks to other students and make a profit.

If that isn't good enough, they also work with Operation Smile. This is an international children's medical charity which heals children's smiles. They provide safe and reconstructive surgery for children born with facial deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palette. Every child has the right to safe and high quality surgical care. This is what Operation Smile does, it brings smiles to children's faces and that is something which I think every child deserves - to smile. 
If like me, you are wary of Internet sites, check out the following link which has reviews of Campus Book Rentals on various Internet and news sites :
So if you or someone you know is starting or even continuing studies, check out Campus Book Rentals and hopefully your education will be a little smoother the next academic year. 
What did you do to help yourself through college?  
*Disclosure: This is a sponsered post and information comes from Campus Book Rentals*

Monday, 5 August 2013

Wedding Guestbook - DIY

At the weekend is a day which I have been looking forward to for some time now - My twin sister's wedding! She has asked me to help her out with some creative aspects of the wedding. Today I will share with you the 'Time Capsule Wedding Guestbook.' The basic idea is that all the guests at the wedding leave messages, predictions, images etc for the couple and these will be sealed away until first wedding anniversary. 

To begin with I bought: 
- A mason jar 
- Photo frame 
- Lace and ribbon
- Double sided tape 

I then designed the labels and information sign (I am planning to redo some of the font from what is shown below). I then printed and trimmed them ready for the final outcome. 

Step 1
I measured the lace and ribbon for the jar and used double sided tape to attach them both.

Step 2 
I then attached the Time Capsule label to card using Pritt Stick. 

Step 3
I used strips of double sided tape(2) to attach the label to the jar. 

Step 4
I then placed the sign into the frame and voila! The guestbook is complete.

Step 5
I then created labels to stick onto the back of purple card (the colour theme). Guests will be using gold and silver pens to write on the card.

The wording can be played with and in fact, I will be making a couple of changes with font and wording before the big day. I will be sharing some of my other creations with you all soon!

Do you have any crafty ideas for weddings you would like to share?