
Sunday, 10 February 2013

Some things just hang around...

I have been on a blogging hiatus recently. This has not been out of want but of uncontrollable circumstances. Unfortunately, I have still not recovered from whatever lurgy decided to set up camp in my body before Christmas which now has made me frustrated. 

My evening blogging sessions have been taken over by crashing out in bed at 7pm or trying to finish work I have not managed to during my working school day. Now here is the biggie, I hadn't turned my lap top on for..... 6 days! I have limited use to my Ipad for general net browsing. 

Not only have I contended with my illness,  I am also moving house right now and have a lot on with work. Am I Superwoman? Perhaps... I am definitely not Superblogger at this moment. I will have updates on the decorating very soon and hopefully this lurgy will do one by the end of the week and give me back some of my energy.

 What's the best thing you do to make yourself better when sick?

Trying to get some normality back... it's Sunday Social time. Let's revisit the childhood days. At 27 it's not that long ago for me but it still feels like an age away now.

1. What was your first car?
Red Chevrolet - love it so much! Brand new and still working well 6 years later!

2. Who was your favourite childhood teacher?
I loved my Primary Teacher when I was younger. She played the piano during assembly's and let us sing the 'Sshhh' part at the end of a song. When she left, the new teacher didn't us do that.

3. Were you involved in any sports/extracurricular activities?  
I played in the rounders, tennis and netball team at school. I also danced tap, ballet and modern until I was 16. 

4. What was your favourite birthday party?
My 11th birthday party at the bowling alley. I then stayed late after friends had gone home and played games with my family when it was 'extreme' late night bowling. I felt so grown up.

5. Who was your teen celebrity crush?
Nick Carter from the BSB. I still think we'd have been perfect for one another.

6. What show/movie did your parents not allow you to watch?
 I can't recall them stopping me watch anything. I think I watched pretty normal shows which were fine anyway. 

Happy Sunday!

Sunday Social


  1. What is Netball??

    Stopping by from Sunday Social!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  2. I think every girl was in love with Nick Carter :)
    Stopping by from the link up.

  3. I'm with Jennifer ... but not with netball ... but the rounders???? I am not British enough for you, girlfriend, haha.

  4. @Jen - Thanks for stopping by: I hope the link helped explain netball :-)

    @Jess- Weren't they just! Far too much competition!haha!

    @Reb - Best way to describe rounders is that it's like softball/baseball. You are too LA for me these days! I don't think we can be friends anymore hahah!! x


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @