
Sunday, 17 February 2013

I think I'm Wonder Woman...

Friday brought a day of relief. After a few months of being unwell and having to deal with sever exhaustion on a daily basis, I was finally given some sort of answer. I received the results to my blood tests, which was met by an, "Oh no..." by my Doctor. As you can imagine, this is not the words you want to hear before results.

In my panic I let out a nervous laugh and asked if my results were missing. She then explained they were there and that I was anaemic. She continued to explain that my iron levels (8- normal level is 14 and 8 is the level where you are considered for possible transfusion) were severely low and that she doesn't know how I managed to have got out of bed on mornings lately, let alone go to work everyday and teach. It also was some sort of explanation as to why I have been catching every illness and suffering from prolonged sinusitis.

This has led me to the conclusion that I am indeed 'Wonder Woman'. What else would explain my ability to push through this?I also have a WW mug. Ok, so I may be over-reacting but I am beginning to realise I am a lot stronger than I ever thought I was.

Each day lately, has been a struggle and I have found myself clawing to the end of the day. When teaching children this has been so difficult but I have not wanted to take time off. The tiredness has hit me from the moment I awake to the moment I go to bed. I am not even sure I can fully explain it, in fact when telling people I have felt like I was making it up and sounding just plain lazy. This is obviously not the case and one that has been proven today. 

This has been me: morning, noon and night for the past couple months! [Source]

I am now in possession of a number of iron supplement tablets to take to increase my levels then I will be back to the doctor for follow up blood samples to check it's all improved. In the meantime, I will continue to think I am Wonder Woman... but maybe one who should slow down and rest up a bit. 


Have you ever suffered from anaemia? Did you find anything else to help as well as tablets?


  1. I had a few months ago a very low iron level. After my doctor got the test results, I had to take tablets every day. But they didn't help because my iron level was simply too low. So I got 8 injections and they helped! Since then I have no problems any more.

  2. I was for a while but it went away. i started with the tablet and got my levels up and after that some how just went away and everything i go back i make sure they check that in my blood work. Believe me i know how you feel like omggggg why i am soo tired.

    xoxo FEEL BETTER!

  3. @Christin - Oh dear! I am so pleased you're doing better noew. Injections don't sound fun :(

    @Lisa -It's an awful feeling which no one else can understand :( Good to know you picked up! Thanks - I hope so too!

  4. Here from the weekend showcase and I always take extra B12 for that rundown feeling- does wonders for me. BB2U


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @