
Friday, 4 January 2013

My new best friends...

I have acquired some friends from the 'Germ' family unfortunately. They appear to enjoy hanging out with me much to my lack of happiness at this. I have been unwell for a good 7 weeks with a chest infection and cough which seemed to be finally passing into a simple cold. Well two weeks later and my new little friends have well and truly taken up residence in my head and body. 

"Just wanted to say hi..."

What do they like to do? Well, at 4am this morning they decided it would be fun to bounce around my head. I like to think I'm pretty tough, and I normally handle illness quite well, but this time round I am starting to struggle.

After two lots of antibiotics at the end of last year and various over the counter tablets, I can not seem to shake these little pests. It would appear they like my body and will be difficult to get rid of. So, until then I will be feeling sorry for myself and trying to freeze out the germs and hope they take the hint.

Do you have any natural remedies to share with me?


  1. I'm sorry! That's a long time to be sick. I'm a little sick right now too (just a head cold), and it does make me sleep lightly, I think because I'm not able to breath deeply. Is it spring yet?

  2. Homemade chicken soup always helps... and drink some tea :)

  3. @ I wish it was! All we have in the UK is rain, rain and more rain!! Come on sunshine!
    @Lisa- Tea is my best mate in the fight haha! I have eben tried some fruit which I normally avoid at all costs! haha!


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