
Saturday, 19 January 2013

Miss Independent...

In my early uni days and end of school I was very much a homebody. In fact, this affected where I went to Uni and what I studied. I was leaning towards child psychology but at the time, to study the more human side would have meant a move away. This is something which I did not want to do. Therefore I stayed and completed my teaching degree (which I love).

Over the past couple of years I have became more free and independent. I have travelled solo and had some amazing experiences. Through travelling I have made new friends, been inspired, grown as a person and learnt to be happy alone. Being happy alone is so important to be, I like to spend time to myself doing what I want and having quiet moments.

Lately, I have been thinking more about me as a person and I am finally feeling ready to share my life with someone. I have spent many a years being Miss Independent and running from relationships which I felt would become serious as I believed I would be 'held beack' in some ways from doing what I want and when I want. I am now however, beginning to change.

I am beginning to want something stable. A relationship which I know would not hold me back. All my time alone has made me a lot more head strong, I know that, but I also know that there is someone out there to take that on. Someone who would be happy to be with someone who knew what they wanted.  

“Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that."
~ Michael Leunigt.”

In no way am I saying I will go out and try to be in a relationship. I am happy to see what happens. I will not be the first to run or panic. I can calm down and begin to understand that just by being with a guy, my life does not have to stop. It means I have someone else to share things with. I am having a difficult time letting go of someone in my past (and he is struggling with me too) but I now feel ready for a proper relationship and this will help me gain closure with him.

Have you ever had a relationship epiphany of some sort?


  1. I wish someone would finally LOVE us! Seriously, it didn't seem this hard after high school! I am positive you (and hopefully myself) will find some worthy guy in the near future who will see all the shininess of you and the wonderful person you are! I also hope he is courageous, because Lord knows, he will need to be to break down your walls ;-) xxx

  2. I do too Miss Reb - it will happen in time :-) He needs a lot of courage to break me that's for sure! Thank you for such lovely words :-) x


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