
Saturday, 22 December 2012

When your thoughts get 'stuck'...

I have now penned at least 7 unfinished blog posts. I start...then stop and wonder, 'Where am I going with this?' It's not what I would call a 'blog block' because I haven't ran out of things to say. I guess it's more like I keep losing direction.

I have always been very honest in my writing and that is something which I was never sure I would be able to upkeep in my blogging life. Would I run out of ideas? Would I stop finding inspiration in the smallest of thoughts? I never did. I then suffered a moment of absolute sadness and my inspiration was a string as ever with thoughts about life, death, love and how our lives are so fragile. The issue has arose that I have been unable to put these thoughts into words. I get halfway through and my mind races ahead to something else, leaving the ruins of my thoughts lying behind it. 

Is it a lack of concentration? Too much emotion? Not feeling brave enough to be honest about my thoughts and feelings? I can genuinely say I don't know. I don't know why I can't write but I haven't given up. I am still going and beginning to see a cloud lift from my life. I am still hanging out in blogging land, I'm just trying to find my focus is all.

Thank you for many lovely supportive comments you wonderful people.

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