Monday 8 October 2012

Make a wish...

My past week and a bit has turned into one long, traumatic moment in time. It is amazing, in this world, surrounded by technology that a life can begin to fall apart so quickly. In a week my brother has continued to deteriorate. He had an operation last week which by passed the enlarged nodes as well as the new tumour which has appeared on his stomach. His body is so weak since he was in a such a deteriorated state before the operation.

The new tumour has been described by the doctor as 'nasty'. Now if the doctor is saying that you know things aren't looking good. All around me I can feel the hope which was once there slowly evaporating. I look at my brother and see in his eyes the sadness inside and the pain on his face. My family around me are keeping their 'brave' faces on but I know it is a mask, partly because I have one on myself. I am trying to be positive and hopeful for all and for my brother. I am becoming quite adept at holding back my tears when in other people's company.

I am determined to stay strong and try to be the hope and strength for the both of us. I know this will be difficult but right now I don't know what else to do.

A good friend of mine and fellow blogger, Miss LA, sent me these words and I am trying to keep them in my heart:

I am hoping OTH can give me a bit of hope...

My wish is that my brother will be sitting next to me at Christmas, smiling and being surrounded by everyone who loves him. That's the only thing in my heart right now.


Something Infinitely Interesting said...

I am soo sorry i couldnt even imagine what you are going through! XOXO HUGS FROM HERE!

Rebecca said...

Sweetheart, I am so sorry I have been absent all weekend! I am glad you are holding onto the quote...I knew it would be fitting! I am back with all of my attention for you tomorrow! I'm sending you many big hugs and I am wishing with you that he will be there with you for Christmas! X

Take All Chances - Missy said...

@Lisa- Thank you for you kindness :-)

@Reb- You are there more than enough for me! Let's hope this wish works! x x

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