
Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Feeling valued...

If you've read my blog for some time you will know that one of my biggest stresses in life is my job. I'm a teacher and that brings so many different ways to feel stressed. In my job I believe that we are expected to be another caregiver in the lives of someones child. Parents expect so much out of teachers and rightly so, they are putting their precious bundle of joy in my hands for more than half the week. However, some parents see us not as educators but as nanny's. This is also the view of many people I come across who, when they know I'm a teacher, are quick to remark how long my holidays are or how my working day finishes at 3.00. How little do they know... as of late I have been working till 12 most nights and through my lunch break, leaving school at 6pm. Even when this is said, I still get the same old response..." But you get all your holidays." At that point I just walk away before I lose my cool.

Now while this is bad, it gets even worse because as a teacher you are constantly critiqued on your job performance against statistics and standards by fellow professionals. In particular, the headteacher! But, lately I have been getting on extremely well with mine. I have reached a point where I feel appreciated and valued at work and I can't tell you how much a change this makes to my general feeling at work. 

Today I discussed jobs and the idea of working in international schools (one of my choices to make) and she replied with, "I'm not writing you a reference. I can't let you leave here..." as her face dropped. This reaction was something which actually made me feel proud. Proud that not only does she think I'm a good teacher but also that she is willing to tell me that. By giving me that praise I not only feel happy but also more enthusiastic about my job. I know I'm doing well and that she appreciates it. She will help me without a doubt with my applications but just to know I'm wanted at my current school was enough to put a smile on my face.

Do you feel appreciated at work and how is it shown?


  1. How cool did that feel?! Good for you. I can only imagine how great of a teacher you are :) They are so lucky to have you. And yes, a little praise goes a looong way!

  2. @Lisa- Thank you :-)
    @Texa- I know :-) Definitly what you need to hear once in a while!!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @