
Monday, 5 December 2011

Quote of the Day Monday...

It's Monday....and it is cold here in the UK. That has not stopped me blogging for all you lovely people!! It's quote day today and the quote I have chosen I think will apply to many of you out there. I received an email from the lovely Kym from Travel Babbles re: a post of hers lately where she was questioning her want to blog. We've all been there, wondered...Do we want to blog anymore? Do people like what we're writing? Am I still myself? She responded and passed on this quote to me.

In my year of blogging I have had a few moments of 'I have nothing to say' and I haven't blogged. Sometimes it could be a day, sometimes a week. Either way I wondered what was wrong. Then I realised nothing was wrong, I just was not in any kind of mindset to write.

As the quote states, when you take effort in writing, it is read with pleasure. I want whatever I write to be enjoyed, be it by one person or 100 people. I don't want to write something which people click and think, oh ... she can't be bothered she's just filling space. There are many discussions regarding when to blog and how many times a week but it all comes down to yourself. Yes, readers are important but if you aren't enjoying it and just posting for the sack of it. It becomes obvious. I would always take "Hmm, Missy hasn't posted in a while," to "Woah...this is rubbish." Sometimes, just like in day to day life we need time alone and that's the same for blogging. I hope those of you going through a bit of a writing block aren't too worried...writing never leaves you and it will come back but don't feel the need to please others. We all understand that in this blogging community!

If you want to have a wander to Kym's fabulous blog, just click the link below:


  1. such a true quote! love this post

  2. I completely agree. Being a blog writer and college professor I understand from both ends the importance of writing with passion. Without it, I think people can sense that it's missing.

    Have you read Anne Lamott's Bird By Bird? It's fantastic and inspiring for writers!

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  3. I completely agree. Being a blog writer and college professor I understand from both ends the importance of writing with passion. Without it, I think people can sense that it's missing.

    Have you read Anne Lamott's Bird By Bird? It's fantastic and inspiring for writers!

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  4. @Jodi- Thanks :-)
    @Lydia- I haven't but it may be one to put on m list! I agree that people sense the lack of interest. I actually shared the quote with my kids in class today and they all loved it!

  5. Awww you are such a sweetheart for mentioning me Missy!! Much appreciated :)

    After taking even a week off from blogging I feel much more refreshed and I'm looking forward to coming back in January and posting whenever I feel the urge and desire. You are 100% correct that the "community" will understand - I'm glad we've found one another in this grande old blogosphere :) xo

  6. @KY- No worries...I love your blog :-) I think we all needa little time evry now and again off!! Good for you for realising it.


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