
Thursday, 10 November 2011

My pole dancing tricks...

I've recently returned to pole dancing and wonder why I ever stopped? I love the workout, nothing else makes me body look like it does and it's fun. I have been back a few weeks now so I am moving on with my advanced moves. I thought I'd share one with you all....

I am actually smiling under that smiley would you believe....

What's your favourite exercise?


  1. This is cool! I need to do some real good exercises. At times I do Yoga but I need rigorous exercises than the ones that I am now doing!:) Have a good week.

  2. Now if I could only do this for my wife!!

  3. If I attempted that I would end up in traction!! Kudos to you for being able to do that!


  4. AWESOME, I would love to try it, but I have no upper body strength. Good luck! BJ

  5. How cool is that?!?! I have only tried it once, and for being rather athletic, I was brutal at it all. Plus sooo sore the next day. Props to you, and happy Monday!

  6. Hahaha, I wonder what your student would think if they knew their teacher pole danced? Very hot, btw.

  7. DAMN! Is all I can say ... I would be a total failure! I am impressed, Missy, to say the least!

  8. @Judy- Ooo I love some yoga too :-)
    @Ross- I'm sure with a little practice haha!!
    @Kathy- Thanks!
    @Good Girl- It's the most fun exercise I'v ever done that's for sure!
    @Sam- Thank you!
    @Bobbi- It's amazing how quick the muscle tone and strength develops, don't let that put you off :-)
    @Texa- Yea the pain the next day is terrible but only after your first lesson. Your body seems to adapt quite well!
    @Hahaha thanks!! I'm not sure how well recieved it would be hence the keeping it to myself and some staff members lol!
    @Reb- Why thank you ;-)


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @