
Wednesday, 26 October 2011

A supermarket discovery...

As it's Halloween coming up I thought I'd stock up on my Vodka for pre-drinks before going out. So as I always do, I went to browse the vodka section and knew I'd probably buy the same as usual..Hello Smirnoff!! Today though, something caught my eye:

Yes..I had to look rather like an underage drinker and act suspicious in the alcohol aisle to get the above picture. Can you spot what made me look twice? It's the statement of: 

English Potato Vodka

Now I was standing feeling rather confused because vodka and potato are not exactly two things which I put together. After looking a bit strange and loitering I took my Smirnoff and headed off. It was still bothering me when I got home as surely such a vodka drinker like myself would know if it were made from potato...wouldn't I? Well I didn't, so here (after feeling like a failure) are some vodka facts I've found to share so you don't feel as bad as I d:

-It is composed mainly of water and ethanol with some impurities and flavorings. 

-Vodka is made by distillation of fermented substances such as grains, potatoes, or sometimes fruits.

-EU must have a minimum of 37.5% volume and US must have 40% volume.

- The "vodka belt" countries of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe are the historic home of vodka and is the are of highest vodka consumption.

- Before the 1950's, vodka was rarely consumed out of Europe. 

- It became more popular after being marketed as 'the drink that leaves you breathless' due to it not leaving an alcohol smell on the drinkers breath.

So there you have it...some vodka facts just for you!! It's not exactly made of potato but potato IS involved in the process and obviously Chase vodka thinks using British potatoes is such a selling point they advertise it on their bottles. When in reality it just made me confused and not want to buy it!

However it does lead me to the thought of...does it count towards my 5 a day?

Is vodka your tipple or do you prefer something a little different?


  1. i love the bottle.. im not a vodka drinker but on the occasions i have drank vodka i liked absolute :)

  2. Vodka makes me an Angry B!!!!!!!!!!! I've heard of the potato vodka, though I've never tried it myself :)

  3. @The bottle is pretty cool :-) Ooo absolute is lovely! Especially the raspberry with Sprite!
    @ KY- Oh no!! That's not good! Hmm I may try it, sometime haha!!

  4. Lol! I wonder if British potatoes are better than American ones? Learned something new today, thanks for the vodka lesson :)

    Stephanie @ Dirt and Lace

  5. Of course they count! :D I knew vodka had something to do with vodka because my sister is making Skittle vodka for everyone as part of a hamper. Bless!

    My hubs loves vodka but his preference is Grey Goose. I must admit, I loathed vodka before I tried this. It's pricey but so much smoother than Smirnoff. My favourite tipple is Jack Daniels and coke. But that gives me huge headaches and is full of calories, so I stick to vodka (if I'm out for ages and they sell Grey Goose) or stick to Merlot.

    Hopping by again - If you are interested in blog hops - a horror author interview and/or a giveaway of his anthology (oh and writing prompt):

    Have a great weekend, Shah. X

  6. What a cool and informative post! I am a sucker for Grey Goose. Don't know if I have ever had English Vodka. Hmmm, might have to remedy that :)

  7. IMHO, the best vodka is Seagram's Extra Smooth. I know, you wouldn't think Canada could do it better than a European country (the Netherlands' Ketel One used to be a favorite of mine), but they really do mean it when they say Extra Smooth.

    For Halloween, though, my favorite drink is orange juice with Midori, which I call a Swamp Thing.

  8. Hahaha! That's hilarious that you did not know that. What did you think it was made of?

  9. Love the vodka lesson!
    Truthfully, I didn't know it was a product of potatoes either ;)

  10. @Stephanie- I'm guessing they must be good since they're so proud haha!
    @Shah- yea Grey Goose is pretty nice too!
    @Texa-I will taste test...just for your benefit of course, English vodka soon and let you know!
    @El Grande-I thought it was made of alcohol. Potatoes aren't the first thing that comes to mind with vodka.. but I now feel extremely clever ;-)
    @Erin- Glad I could help inform others haha!


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