
Monday, 10 October 2011

Quote of the Day Monday...

I was browsing about the other day at various quotes and came across some from one of my favourite story book characters, Winnie the Pooh. Now I know the genius that was A.A.Milne wrote the quotes but I like to think Winnie the Pooh came up with them!! 

There were many that I nodded at and felt an understanding of but this quote is one which stood out for me. So often, advice is given to us which basically tells us if we wait long enough, that person, be it friend or lover, will come to us. It's a nice thought but surely a little lazy too? I mean, this quote has it all right, sometimes just waiting will get you nowhere and no-one. Even when you think you've done 'nothing' your attitude probably came across differently. 

Maybe Winnie the Pooh is right, perhaps we need to go and search too and meet at a middle point. This is not to say this makes you crazy or desperate or whatever else people think it would make them. It shows a belief in yourself I think, that you can get to the point where you are happy enough to go out and say this is me, I'm willing to work for something I want and not sit and wait.

If you would like to contribute a quote for Quote of the day Monday, send me an email (all lower case):

takeallchances {at} gmail {dot} com


  1. Wise pooh, you never fail us :) If I think of a good one I will send it your way!

  2. So cute .Wnnie is cute .I also love this charater .

    Follow each other .

  3. I love Winnie the Pooh! I also love quotes from The Little Prince and The Velveteen Rabbit - I used them in my wedding. I found your blog on Mingle Monday, love it!

  4. Hi from Mingle Monday! Love this post, it is so cute! Who doesn't love Winnie the Pooh and such a true quote, sometimes you just have to get out there and stop waiting around.

  5. @Texa- I know!! Who ever thought somelinke him would be so inspiring!! Cutie that he is!
    @iz- Glad you like it!
    @ KY- Cute is definitly the word to describe him :-) Good to see you back!
    @Tiffany- He's a classic isn't he?I'll have to look into your quotes!Maybe you could email one for a Monday?
    @Jacque- Very true indeed :-) Glad you appreciated the cuteness haha!

  6. winnie the pooh is quite wise sometimes isnt he :)

  7. :) Winnie the Pooh! :)
    He's a wise ol' bear, isn't he??

    stopping by from Monday Mingle!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @