
Monday, 3 October 2011

Quote of the Day Monday...

It's Monday and that means 'Quote Time'. Today is a quote of the lyrical variety and from a songwriter I often reference, Conor Oberst. The guy has so many songs and a lot are relateable. This lyric is about promises being broken.

I for one am terrible at forgiving and thinking it was just a mistake and then end up in a circle of broken promises. It's a weakness of mine and something which I wish I was tougher about. When we let people into our lives, we expect honesty and reliability. What happens when we don't get these qualities? Do we just break the relationship and forget it? I personally tend to carry on and on and fell worse about myself each time I am let down and in some ways blame myself. This quote says it all, surely we should be more braver to say, "Forget it, I deserve better," if someone breaks a promise. After all, more often than not another promise is made and then broken again. I know that I need to work on this and there are second chances, but do I really need to give people 3, 4, 5 etc chances to make me unhappy? Shouldn't I just look after myself and my heart more than this? Maybe Conor is right with one chance, or maybe 2 is a good number of chances. Whatever the number I know that the more promises broken, the more unhappy you become.

Here's the song it's taken's rather haunting but beautiful at the same time.

What's your take on promises? How many broken promises is one too many?


  1. This is a thought provoking post and a very good quote.

  2. Very thought provoking post..

    I love that song too. I think that promises are very important and i myself try my hardest to keep them.

  3. Ohh, have never heard this one, but like it! Oh, and btw, I of course 'discovered' my new favorite candy here right after I sent your package. But don't worry, I will enjoy it for you, haha.

  4. I'm glad you all like this quote. It's a line which always gets me thinking!!!

    @TGN- I am sure you will enjoy it for me.. although I know you will feel incredibly guilty while doing so haha!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @