
Monday, 15 August 2011

Quote of the day Monday...

At this moment I will be somewhere in Canada, possibly travelling to a new destination, partying,seeing new sights or sleeping ...I don't know( I can't figure out time differences in advance) so when I was thinking of a quote for today I thought what better than to have a travel quote.

A good friend of mine, Mr Music, loves the author Jack Kerouac. For years and years he has told me to read 'On the Road'. I trust him that it's a good book but I just never felt the time was right to read it. But now... that time is here. I have taken it away with me to read and I hope it makes me feel even more inspired. Therefore today's quote is from Jack Kerouac. I also hope my trust in him is well deserved...I'm sure it will. After all he is the one to introduce me to so many new bands which I just love.

When deciding whether to go away over the Summer alone I did spend a lot of time wondering whether it was the 'right'  thing to do. It may seem that it's not a huge thing, but for me, to do something by myself was a big step. I thought about the people I would let down when I said I couldn't go away with them or those who wondered if I was stupid to go alone (even though I would be with a group). I reached the point where I thought-'I don't care'. I didn't mean this in a selfish and mean way, I just thought for once I should put my wants first. If I want to do something I should do it now while I can. After some chats with Miss Twin I felt more confident that people would be happy for me and see it as the opportunity it was...a very special one.

So while this quote is here now, I will be having fun, learning new things and above all I will be happy!

Enjoy the quote!

1 comment:

  1. Great quote! I am so glad you are out doing this trip for you! And having a blast doing so ;)


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