
Sunday, 28 August 2011

Nice to meet you Canada...

After spending the week feeling extremely jet-lagged, I am ready to share the second leg of my adventures...

After Pittsburgh we headed to the Canadian border at Niagara. Here seemed to be a moment when the whole group seemed to bond as one girl had some Visa problems, in the fact she didn't have something she knew she needed. This caused the whole lot of us to be turned around back to the American border. It was then a long, long 2 hour wait to get back to the border, a piece of paper stamped and then return back to Canada. To say it was stressful is an understatement. However, we got through thankfully.

That meant one thing...Niagara Falls time!!! I was in complete awe at this place, the place of Niagara was like some cheap rent Disneyland and the Falls were these spectacular waterfalls. Talk about chalk and cheese. My group went on the Maid of the Mist tour which was pretty fantastic! The sights up close were just amazing and there were rainbows which were so close you would think you could touch them.

If it wasn't enough to be so lucky to be up close to the Falls, I also overcame a huge fear and went on a helicopter over the falls. Now it's not that I'm scared of flying because I really don't mind it, but in a small little helicopter? That's a totally different story. But, thanks to Miss Aussie I went along and saw some truly amazing sights!!!

After a pretty good night out in Niagara, we headed towards Toronto. I liked this city but just couldn't quite feel the vibe. I really enjoyed going up the CN tower and also braved the glass floor part!Maybe it's the type of place you have to stay longer to appreciate it? I did like the place and we had a couple of nights there to sample the nightlife which was good too haha!!!

Also in Toronto there was the fabulous place which is Hockey Hall of Fame!! Now if you've read my blog from the beginning you will know that hockey is by far my most favourite sport so going here was the most exciting thing!

From Toronto we rolled on to Ottawa. I loved this place. It was a lot smaller than the previous cities and had a nice little vibe about it. We spent time wandering the shops, seeing Parliament and soaking up the city. I would like to go back there for a couple of days as it seemed like a really nice place to be.

After a more calm time in Ottawa, we headed towards Montreal. I had a few mixed feelings about Montreal due to personal reasons however the city won me over. It had old town, new town, shopping, great nightlife, fancy bars and nice people. It was also here where I did a jet boat ride, unaware that it involved riding into rapids!! Yes, we were hit by huge wave after wave!! It was an adventure to say the least....

My final stop before the end ind NYC was Boston. We all crossed the border and headed to Boston for more fun times. The city of Boston is really nice and definitely somewhere I would quite like to spend another couple of days at. Also, the people in Boston were very friendly. It will also be a special place as it is home to Fenway Park which is where I was lucky enough to see my first baseball game!!! I saw Red Sox play Tampa Bay Rays. They kinda sucked in the game but I didn't care as it was just fun to start enjoying a new sport!

All in all, I am so pleased I had the nerve to go and do something as fantastic as this. There are so many more places yet to see but this is a good start!!!

To finish off I thought I'd share some random photos and songs which are special to the adventure...

The morning song- We had this played every morning....

Played while entering Pittsburgh but hilariously blasted out as we managed to finally make it into Canada!

Myself and Miss Aussie were having a kinda Adele love fest on this trip and this was a favourite of mine.


  1. Wow - what an amazing trip! I've never been to Niagra Falls nor Canada. Dying to get to Canada though, specifically Lake Louise, Banff, and Toronto. Hoping it will be someday soon! Hopped over from FTLOB. Nice to meet you!

  2. What a great trip! I think I want to see Niagra Falls now! And Toronto too. When were you in Montreal? Maybe we passed each other and didn't even know it!

  3. Oh so fun! Looks like you had an inspiring time! Happy seeing beautiful from comment love day!

  4. Love it all! I have actually never been to Eastern Canada, just western. I need to get out there and see some of this awesome stuff :)

  5. @Barb- Good luck with getting to see those wonderful places :-)
    @JS- I was there 13th and 14th August. How funny if we crossed paths!Niagra Falls is amazing to see!
    @Lydia- It was so much more than I imagined it to be inspiration wise.
    @Lisa- It was pretty amazing :-)
    @Lindsey- I wouild say western Canada is on my list now!It's like a swap haha!


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