
Saturday, 9 July 2011

Sports day stress...

This has been such a long week for me. As it is nearing end of term I have lots of things to sort to get the class ready to move up to the next year. This in itself is not too difficult to sort, however, when you are the Sports Co-ordinator (which I am) you have another major stress. This stress is known as: Sports Day.

This is the one day a year where we have the whole school out taking part in sports activities and parents are invited to see. I decided that I wanted to organise a more competitive day this year as last year the co-ordinator had a kind if Olympic type day which was extremely busy. Therefore I have gone for the whole competition edge with the children competing in team games and independent events. Although this sounds easy to organise, when you factor in it is to include near 400 children then things get complicated. Organisation, resources, teams, planning and staffing is all down to me. The stress hit me on Monday when (paired with class reports) I was given the go ahead to start organising after waiting for quite some time. Wednesday I was told to give a staff meeting, that afternoon to all the rest of the staff about sports day. I spent all morning working on that instead of preparing for the following week. After this the week just went downhill. My stress levels went higher and by last night I was exhausted. It hit Thursday evening and I just didn't know how I was going to be able to make it through Friday.

I worked till late then was up 6.30am Friday morning to finish reports (yes, I have 28 reports to do too) and just pushed myself. I got to the end of the day and was so relieved. It has been a long time since I have felt so physically drained but I am proud that I managed to get through it and thankful for friends at school who picked me and helped me to keep going. It's times like this that you realise who your friends are. Even if things are made hard fo you or people expect you to not get things right, it's your friends who keep you working. 


  1. Wow, that sounds so stressful! I can't imagine putting together that big of an event (400 kids?!). Hope you had a relaxing weekend. Good luck with everything - you can do it!! :)

  2. yikes, that sounds horrendous! hope it all works out ok. maybe you can hope some of the kids won't show up...? as a kid i always tried to get out of sports days hahah.

  3. I absolutely love that's been one that I've held onto on average days. Here via Mingle Monday :)

  4. @RNB- Thank you!!! I managed it and survied hahah!!It was stressful but I did it woo!!!
    @Lozzz- Hahahaha, so you're the type which I try to make everything seem like the most funnest thing in the world to do?Funnily enough I think there was only like 2 kids off!
    @Zara- I just stumbled across it but it definitly helped me. Glad you like it too!


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