
Tuesday, 26 July 2011

A move...

Today I headed into school, even though I'm off, to sort my classroom out. It's so nice to be heading into the next year group as I'm finding myself a bit bored in Y3 after 2 years but the downside is the classroom switch. I have had to sort all my things out to move and it's amazing how much crap useful stuff I have acquired in my 4 years of teaching so far. Not only that, I had to have a big move around in the classroom I'm going into - and find more tables for my big class!! Luckily I managed to rope my Dad into helping me move tables and stuff around and I now have my class how I want it to be come September (until I get bored and change it around again). All there is left to do is make it look all pretty with all my backing boards and displays which I will do nearer September. 

My new home


  1. WOW such a great difference must have been super satisfying to get it all organized :)!

  2. Oh nice! Very cute -- new start :) Now you just need something cute and colorful on the walls?

  3. Fantastic room! I love all the windows. Jealous. So, when we hanging out?

  4. @Eschelle- Very much so- I didn't think it was possible at the start haha!
    @Reb- Yep, I already have the colours in my mind- some definite purple and yellow is needed!
    @Mollie- The windows are great but a nightmare when they shine on my whiteboard lol!! We should hang out soon...If you fancy coming into Newcastle for the day we can be ladies that lunch? Send me an email if you fancy sorting something out!

  5. cute bright calssroom-that will make going back after the holidays much easier! Liking your new look blog BTW!

  6. @Robyn- Bright it is!!! I definitly feel much better knowing that the class is near sorted :-)Glad you like the new look!


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