
Friday, 24 June 2011

Traumatic drive...

I was off to the hairdressers this evening after school and was just coming off a roundabout when my foot felt tickly. So I shook it, then it continued and as I glanced down I saw there was ...... A SPIDER!!! This spider was crawling over my foot! Arrghhh!!! Needless to say I did not act the most calmly, in fact I screamed, swerved and then continued to drive slightly erratic till I could pull over. I even tried to drive without letting my foot touch the ground but that is difficult when you have accelerator, brake and clutch. The white van behind which had been driving far too close dropped way back. I think that was for the best.

I am a bit sad since I have always considered my car a safe haven as I've never had a spider in it before. I have managed to get over my trauma and hopefully I wont have any more surprises at 60mph!!

Have you ever had a nasty surprise while driving?

I have also had a guest post featured over at TexaGerma(Finla)Nadien today. I love this blog, she's hilarious and we both have a love for £1 crap!! haha!!

Check it out:


  1. have had many many spiders in my vehicle. It sucks balls.

  2. Love it! Well, not the spider, your feature. It looks great up! And some great comments on it too :) Thanks again for doing it all Missy!

  3.! I would have freaked out! Gahhh, I am glad you didn't wreck the car, M!

  4. @Mollie- It does indeed!!
    @Lindsey- No problem! Thanks for letting me!!Also, thanks for not liking the spider...I was very traumatised!!
    @Reb- Me too...that would have been a pathetic story to tell. I wrecked my car because of a spider.

  5. OMG! I had a spider dangle down from my visor (is that what they're called?) once. I swerved and had to pull off the road. FLIPPED out. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  6. @HW- Argh- that's awful!! I once had that happen and luckily someone was in the car with me. It's the swerve that's scary and then you have to do the whole, "I'm calm thing," when really you just want to cry and let go of the wheel haha!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @