
Sunday, 12 June 2011

Lazy Sunday Post...

It seems to have been a while since I posted on a Sunday. Today is one of my lazy days. I was up earlyish and have already made a visit to Sainsburys which was a lot busy than I thought it would be Sunday morning!! But now I am home and ready to have a day in. I've decided to have a bit of a random post for that reason as I do not really feel like concentrating too much.

Trip to Sainsburys

Fun in the sun
Sunday lazing 
Social Stress
Central Park Sunshine 

A favourite song of mine at the moment

Is anyone else having a lazy one? Or are you up to something fun today?


  1. That wonder woman shirt is amazing!!!

  2. It's been a semi-lazy day for me. All I've done is laundry and cleaned my house and I'm still in my pj's!

  3. I'm going to have a lazy Monday - it's a day off here in Oz. ;)

    There will be coffee. And perhaps some chocolate. Maybe a bit of blogging and watching a dvd. No trips to the supermarket.

    I will however be wishing I had a Wonderwoman tshirt & mug and didn't have to go and teach on Tuesday ;)

    Hope you get a lot of comment love today :)


  4. I actually have a pretty exciting day ahead of me! I wish I could just veg out and watch cheesy love movies though. I am so excited I found your blog today! I cant wait to go back and read your older post and get to know you better! Don't you just love For The Love Of Blogs? I do!!! I would be honored if you would visit my blog and tell me what you think.

    thank you

  5. nice to have a lay one sometimes- was mixed for me-busy morning, quiet avo then watched Uganda vs Zimbabwe rugby live -always fun!

  6. I love your Wonder Woman shirt! :)

    I wish it was sunnier here too, so I am right there with ya. I hope you have a great lazy Sunday though.

  7. Sounds really good - our rainy day has led to a day at the cinema :) XOL

  8. You lazy Sunday looks awesome-I, unfortunately, am stuck at work so no lazy Sunday for me! I'll live vicariously through you and your pictures though :-)

  9. great pics! good job editing. and i love the strokes!

  10. stopping by from comment love blog hop -- i made it a point to not get dressed and stay in my pj's all day today.

    mission. accomplished.


  11. You want hotter and sunnier? Come to Maryland - we got plenty of that to give away :p Also, LOVE The Strokes ♥

  12. What a great Lazy Sunday! And your wonder woman shirt rocks! :) Hope you are having an equally as great Monday girl!

  13. @Barbara- Thank you :-)
    @Lucy- Sounds like a fab Sunday!
    @Miss- LAzy Monday sounds even better!! It's a bit naughty as you should be working then haha!! Have fun - it's not long till us teachers are on our break woo!!
    @Natalie- Hope you had a great day and managed to relax at some point!
    @Robyn- Ah sports Sunday! Sounds good!
    @Jessi-Hope you enjoyed yours too! Yep, ths shirt is a favourite.
    @HH- Ooo I love cinema days! Hope you had fun!
    @Amanda- Oh no- hope work wasn't too stressful.
    @Hannah- Thanks for the pic love.
    @Jenn- Well done! It's a tough mission but sometimes days like that are needed.
    @Sarah- Don't tempt me haha!! Send some my way.
    @Lindsey- Thank you- Monday hasn't been bad. Not as good as a lazy Sunday but can anything live up to that?! Maybe a lazy Sunday on a beach but other than that no. haha!!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @