
Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Volcanic ash...again...

Last year I went on an Easter break to Portugal. It was for 3 nights and I had a great time. On the way to the airport, myself, Miss Twin and GG received a text saying all UK airports were shut. What? How come? Instantly the thought of a terror attack crossed our minds. Surely nothing else could close ALL UK airports? We were wrong...volcanic ash could.

We were at the airport ridiculously early which in hindsight was a great thing as the que was as long as the airport by 11 of people waiting to try and rebook flights. We arrived at 7 and with only 5 families in front of us our waiting time was still about 1hr 30 so I can only imagine what it would have been like at the back of the que! We were re booked for the next day and sought our own accommodation near the airport. It wasn't too bad we thought, an extra day wont harm us. The next day we headed to the airport knowing we weren't going to be on the flight as overnight developments had worsened. We then were re booked for a few days later and given accommodation till flight. This included food as well which was brilliant. What was 3 nights turned into 10 days. It's times like that when I am glad I pack well with my outfit itinerary!! After having made a couple of purchases in Lisbon during the holiday and my spare outfits I still had enough clothes for the whole time.

The 5* star hotel we had to stay at for 6 days...

This brings me to to today- the ash cloud is back. My thought of, "Wow- it's surely a once in a lifetime occurrence," was wrong. Indeed something as odd as this can happen twice. Only this time I fear it will stop me from going away. I am due to be flying out to New York on Saturday via Amsterdam. At the moment that is looking so unlikely I could cry. I've decided the best thing to do is just to ignore the whole situation. What can I do? I've looked into alternative flights and even contemplated driving to London to fly out from there but if things go as expected the whole of the UK will shut. I need to keep everything crossed to make it out of here I think!

On a side note. I was awarded a blog award today from one of my favourite bloggers- Rebecca!Thank you!

So in keeping with the rules I will share 7 random facts

- The only pizza I like is cheese and tomato. 

- Chocolate is my absolute weakness- feed me chocolate and I'm your friend for life.

- I always secretly wish someone would write a song for me every time I hear a great love song on the radio.

- I wish I worked in the fashion industry sometimes.

- I'm known as being small but strong- I was nicknamed Bash when I was younger by my family.

- I love pink but never wear it.

- When I occasionally put the lottery on I get a little thought that it may just be me.

I'd like to pass the award on to:


  1. Wow! Well, thank you, pretty Miss! (this is my very first lil bloggie award -- I'm QUITE excited!!) Hugs!

  2. It's all about the margherita pizza.

    Hope you manage to thwart the ash cloud!

  3. Mmm...Chocolate...yummy...
    I hope you have a safe trip to NYC! I live in the states and still have never visited New York City. It's next on my dream list though!

  4. Wow what crazy luck to be stalled 2x by an ash cloud. I might play the lottery on that one odds and all.
    Congratulations on the award:)
    I only like cheese and tomato on my pizza too!
    I hope you are able to get out of town and I'll cross everything no tornado's head for New York!
    I am visiting and following via Tara.

  5. Hi im a new follower from the blog hop
    Really hope most people had a result from the ash lol
    enjoyed your blog please come visit me anytime

  6. Oh no! Not again? I remember the hassle of last year. . .my dad works for Lufthansa, he had to deal with so much crap! I am so sorry! I will keep my fingers crossed for you, I hope you get to go to your favorite city :)

  7. @JS- You're welcome :-)

    @smallgirl- me too - fingers crossed!

    @Valerie- Hope you manage to get there soon. It's amazing!! Also, yes chocolate is yummy :-)

    @doreen- Argh..Tornado!! I hope not! Yep.. at least last time I was stuck somewhere gaining days whereas this time I'd lose days boo!

    @JJ- Thanks for visiting! Yes- i hope not too many people are too disrupted with the cloud!

    @Reb- Oh dear- I can only imagine the stress he'd have had!! It's all bedlam. It seems to be moving away but I wont be happy till I'm in the cab heading into Manhatten!Woo!!We shall do coffee when you move there and I undoubtedly visit again (or move there if I get a job!) sometime haha!

  8. Wow, thank you! My first award, I'm getting a bit overexcited here :')

    And I've just sat and munched an entire cheese and tomato pizza, though it's not the only pizza I like it definitely is my favourite too :)


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @