
Thursday, 19 May 2011

Some things in life are an illusion...

I saw 'Water for Elephants' at the weekend and the idea that life is an illusion is quite right. When you think about it, how many times have things not been what they seem? Obviously this isn't always the case but more often than not things on the surface differ from actuality - be it better or worse.

I think of myself for example and I wear make up which is my little safety blanket. However, that in itself is an illusion. I mean my foundation is actually called 'Skin Illusion'! Need I say more? Woman in general have heels, clothes , push up bras and even sunglasses that can make you look like a completely different person. However, you then go one step further with surgery. I think if someone does not like something then fair enough, each to their own.

You look at life and realise it's everywhere!! Adverts, jobs, people etc etc. I flicked through my latest copy of Cosmo and it was full of adverts with illusions:

As you can see on the adverts above, tricks have been used to make the people in them look a certain way. I can guarantee that a razor will not make your legs look as glossy and perfectly shadowed like above. It's a fact of life that no one can be perfect and most people get this, however there are still some who actually believe what they see is real. 

In my job, I can see a perfectly happy little child and once you find out more you realise that actually they aren't happy, they are just good at hiding it. I am pretty sure everyone at some point has, for example, pretended to be fine about something when really they aren't. Places of work look great and then you get there and realise that it's not what it was sold to be. Truth is, these days anyone can be anything they want. Anyone can be fooled easily these days and with a little razzle dazzle. How do we tell if things are real? Time, things soon are seen for what they are whether that be exactly what you expected or something completely different. You just never know...


  1. So true. So many things lead us in search of an illusion that can never be real. I am interested in seeing this movie!

  2. Yep... you're right about that. The film Chicago is great!! If you like musical you will love this- it's pretty much set in a prison during the flapper period. I would certaintly recommend it- plus it has the silver fox that is Richard Gere haha!

  3. Beauty is the illusion of time.


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