
Thursday, 12 May 2011

Little Miss Bossy...

The past couple of days, it seems the kids in my school have all become extremely unsettled and this includes my class. Nearly all 28 of them can't work without fussing, talking, telling tales or being sensible. This has led to me becoming the dreaded Little Miss Bossy*. It's not all and it's not all the time but in my class it's enough for me to notice a difference. My class, when they came to me, were renowned for being badly behaved. When I got told the class I would get (out of the two coming up) people would look sympathetic and say... "They're quite a handful." So much so that my headteacher said to me, "Missy, your class next year are very different from this lot (my current class at the time), they're pretty wild but I know you can get them under the thumb." Err.. thanks?!

So I prepared for the worst, rewards and stickers at hand and within 2 weeks they were calm and better behaved. They were so settled and apart from a couple of incidents they all calmed down and began to behave. During the parents evenings I've had, many parents have commented how much more confident and well behave their child is. Others said that their child has suddenly became enthusiastic about school... comments like that make my day and  the hard work worth it.

Because of this huge calm period I have have noticed straight away that they have become this:

I have tried to figure out the cause: weather (it affects kids more than you realise), moving the tables, two weeks off, worry about going to the next year or just tiredness? I have no idea, This has resulted in becoming Little Miss Bossy!! I have set clear boundaries, introduced a VIP (Very Independent Person) award, become more liberal with stickers (kids always respond better to praise) and requesting silence. The kids have responded and I can see them settling again already after just two days. Fingers crossed this continues as it's gonna be a long, tiring time to the end of the school year if it doesn't.

* I am obviously, without a doubt, usually Little Miss Sunshine!!


  1. I used to count seconds ... the longer it took for them to shoosh, then that amount of time I would take away from their free time which would usually be the passing period between classes or just shortly before lunch. I'd also give that time back to them if they behaved and allowed me to teach and didnt keep others from learning.

  2. @Mollie- Yep, the minutes are back :-) Great minds eh? I give them a class warning for noise and then after that it's a minute every time I speak to them. Or if I have to say Stop what you're doing twice then it's a minute every one after. Can you tell I'm into the whole giving chances?! haha!!

    I may go with the seconds- although I don't want to amass my brak time away!!?!

  3. Hi from 20sb. :) I hear ya, I've been little miss bossy lately with my students... they're all wild and crazy knowing that school is nearly over! 28 kids? Dang, that's a lot of kids.

  4. You sound like a fantastic teacher! My son would say its time for a PJ day in class - video, popcorn, and day in pajamas at school :) XOL

  5. @daisies- I think that's part of the problem. We've had two weeks off then a silly 4 week term for another week off which just doesn't let anyone get flow going. It's frustrating as a teacher too. I had 30 kids when the year started haha!! 28 is generally the usual class size where I am so pretty used to it now. Good luck with the end of your term!

    @HH- Thank you :-) I would have to agree with your son! I thin a day off timetable woyld work wonders but unfortunately Maths and LIteracy steps in the way and getting through the curriculum is just consuming. I cheated and did art in the morning on Friday which was well recieved haha!! Ssshh!!

  6. I can't picture you as a bossy teacher. But then again, you did try to join my super cool team El Grande without my permission so that says something about you.

  7. Try to join it?! I did join it. In fact I created it but have let you think that you have been the one to do it.

  8. Explain this to me, why is then that if YOU created the team it is called "Team El Grande?"

  9. That's because I let you name it. It gives you the illusion that you are in charge and created it...

  10. Yeah, whatever. You don't even know the super secret passcode to get inside our super secret lair.

  11. I don't need to... I go in the side door when you're not hanging out there. But that's a secret.

  12. Wait, I feel like we've had this conversation before.


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