
Saturday, 30 April 2011


I watched the wedding yesterday and I loved it. Yes there are questions about need for Royalty and some people disagree about things but I enjoyed it for what it was...two people, in love and solidifying that bond. When I think back to when I was younger, I always expected to be swept off my feet and married and feel like a Princess. However, life happened and in life, even with the most love in the world that situation isn't generally the way things go.

Myself and Miss Faux Fur were chatting the other day about how naivety wears off and thoughts about love begin to be jaded the older you get. Not always I may add but in our cases it does. She puts it down to having her heart broken and realising that everything isn't always perfect (even if you think it is). I suppose it's the whole putting up walls that we, as humans do, after being hurt. Those walls are pretty tough to break down.

The wedding however has given me a little bit of my wide eyed naivety about love back. Being swept off my feet and feeling like a Princess is something which I want and should believe in. Things aren't easy, we all know that but that's the challenge I suppose. Maybe myself and Miss Faux Fur will get our Prince's? I don't know but at the end of the day we are gonna keep trying.

Plus, I hear Prince Harry is still on the market...

I thought I'd add this song. It's a personal favourite of mine and kinda fits this post well.


  1. Amen to that sister - love is HARD to find and HARD to cope with these days. The older we get, the harder it gets and with the increasing hardships, we become totally numb. At least that is how I feel. . . I have become more and more numb over the past years and experiences. BUT we shouldn't give up hope and always believe in a happily ever after for us as well! I know you will find it - maybe not in the form of Prince Harry ;) - but you will. And so will I.

  2. Never give up. They say there is someone for everyone. I tend to think that the world is big enough that there HAS to be more than one person for you. And you have to TRY to find the Perfect one. The others just aren't the perfect one. Perfect for you that is.....

    Stopping over from LBS

  3. @Reb- Why not Prince Harry?! If only he were to meet me haha!!!
    @Cinnamon- I too believe there is someone for everyone :-) There's a lot who are close, but maybe just one who is actual perfection!

  4. I am with you on that! It kinda brought me away from my slump believing all the good men are gay or married and got me back thinking that one day maybe I can be someone's princess. Not sure if this is a positive outcome of the Royal Wedding or just setting me up for some horrible disappointment...

  5. Haha, true that he is still on the market. Hey, I still can't believe that there are royals now either. Even in this day and age. But it was more fun to watch than expected, and I would take marrying into that kind of money anyday, haha.
    Thanks for linking up to the Storytellers Blog Hop! Really glad you did :)

  6. You're totally right. I got swept up in the romance of it all too. The thing is love is not perfect and isn't a fairytale for anyone and that's just the way it is, even for Will and Kate (they are still human even if they are royals). When two people come together, it really is a total gamble but I say it's better to gamble and lose than to never try and never feel what it's like to love someone and have someone love you. It's really tough when it doesn't work out, but it's a learning experience and that's always valuable

  7. " I always expected to be swept off my feet and married and feel like a Princess." Gosh, who WASN'T fed that load of bull from Disney?!?!

    The other price IS still on the market, I think we should devise a plan to track him down and unite the two of you ;)


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