
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The little things which annoy me...

Today hasn't been too bad but it has been filled with little niggly things which have just drove me to frustration! I don't know about you but I have things which can just really annoy me for no reasons- more like pet peeves really. 

Today I thought I'd share with you some of mine:

- People leaving doors open in rooms. Why? It makes the room cold and you don't know when someone is coming in because you can't hear the door open.

- Only having seats which mean my back is towards the door (another door one I know). Again, I can't see someone coming in and I don't like it.

- Cars parking wonky. It makes everything 10x harder for us other drivers.

- People who say they will do something then at the last minute change their mind...grrr!!

- People being late. I shouldn't complain as I am not punctual but I like to think it's because if I turn up late then I wont have had to wait an not because I have no sense of time.

- When you talk to people and they text all the time. 

- Getting my shoes dirty/scratched- I am a shoe addict and am well known with my friends to complain all night if they get a little scratch. 

- When people change the spelling of my name - obviously Missy is a blog name. I have a slightly different way of spelling my name (an i instead of an e near the end if you must know) and people will automatically think I'VE spelt it wrong and 'correct' it for me. 

I know it's a bit of a rant but it seemed to suit my mood today. 

This came up when I looked for an open door....I wouldn't mind having them open if I thought he'd wander in. It would keep my class amused for a good half hour!    

Any pet peeves of yours or maybe you have the same ones as me? I am sure there are lots more so feel free to have a rant here!


  1. I'm with you on the spelling of my real name. What I've told you is correct...please don't change it! You are not fixing it! It used to happen a lot to me when I was in school and it would drive me crazy!

  2. Oh please, this is the wrong place for me to be, lol! I did a rant on my blog April 1st and lost one Follower in the process; hey, I was sticking up for all the blog-buddies I heart, nothing more.

    Phooey if some people can't face reality!

    I totally hate when chairs aren't put back under the table, any table, after dining.

    I completely hate when someone comes in our showroom to discuss business and then proceeds to talk on their phone while our salesmen stand and wait.

    I too, cannot tolerate shoe-scuffs; drives me bonkers. Yes, I am a Shoeaholic and I don't want help!

    And...people who park in Handicapped parking spaces that don't belong; makes me go ballistic!

    I'm done...thanks for letting me blow off steam..please don't hate me, lol


  3. Hey! following you from the mid week mingle.

    I know how you feel about the spelling of your name. People misspell my real name all the time. I just don't understand why people feel the need to correct me when it's my name, you'd think I'd know how to spell it by now?

    But anyway, before I get on a rant about that, if you want to check out my blog it's:
    I hope your day gets better.

  4. @ Poe-Even at the scan clinic they had it wrong and that's official stuff! I don't think it will ever change!

    @ Patty- I loved that post of yours and agreed with it! Good for you for shouting out. I definitly agree with the disabled spot. My dad would always get angry when people did it and would never have parked in one and I think I got that same anger from him!

    It's good to let off steam every now and again!

    @Kate- It seems there are quite a few of us with name problems!haha!! My day is nearly over but it's getting better now I away from work :-)

  5. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop! Lovely blog!!! You can find me at
    Nice meeting you:)

  6. YAY! I love pet peeve posts! lol

    I'm not as bothered about open doors, but I'd have to say I'm most peeved when I'm driving. Especially when people don't understand the rule about accelerating on the freeway ramp. I don't like to be going 40 mph when trying to merge with 70 mph drivers!

    I'm a receptionist so I get peeved when people don't want to leave voicemails but then proceed to let me know the message so I can hand deliver it to them.. REALLY?

    Quiet walkers. I guess this is because I usually have my back to people approaching me but I can usually hear them coming in time to turn around, but the people with soft shoes creep up on me and I don't like it!

    My name is Kristen but a lot of people don't get that right... I get Kirsten and Christian a lot. wtf?!

    There's more but I will spare you... :)

  7. @ Kristen- I too get road rage (from my Dad I think). I don't have to drive fast but it annoys me when people 1: Don't indicate (particularly on roundabouts) and 2: Drive way below the limit!

    Hahah! Quiet walkers!! My headteacher where I walk is one of them and it does my head in.Quiet walkers are always the ones you DON'T want to sneak up on you!

  8. Do I have pet peeves? Ha, I am not sure where to start...I do agree with you on the talking and texting - soo annoying! Give me your attention biaaatch ;) What I cannot stand is people making noises with their munching...or chewing gum, it is so gross. Table manners are soo important to me!
    Also, please lift your feet when you walk - the slurping across the ground, it drives me WILD!
    Oh oh, good one: door knobs are meant for use - DO NOT pull the door close behind you all the time!

    Ok. I will stop here. For now. I should do a post like that. Gahh.

  9. I found this funny - we Anericans can't figure out why all the doors in the house stay closed in England - so we buy doorstops to hold them all open :) And I've never seen such perfect parkers in the lot. XO from a tardy blogger

  10. being late is my #1 peeve * *

  11. Happy Wednesday! Ohhhhh I am with you on all thise pet peeves...being late if my def #1. Doctor's are the worse ppl for it too!!I am a new follower from the blog hop and I look forward to following your blog!...Hope u can come by for a visit!

  12. @Reb- Noisy eaters drives me crazy!! I'm like turning the tv up just to drown them out haha!!

    @HH- I wish I parked where you do then haha!! To be fair there's not loads but just one or two wonky drivers is enough to set me off. Also I don't know about the door thing either. I just don't like it. I taught in a class which had a big open doorway and no door. I hated it!

    @b.lee- it's so bad that I hate it but can't be on time myself?!

    @Green- I could make a whole list of pet peeves for doctors. I can never make appointments, I sit for ages, I then get judged for going and some have even looked stuff up in a book when diagnosing me!! Grrrr!!!Needless to say I have clung onto a good one in my GP surgery now haha!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @